Session Eight (Anatomical Spaces) Femoral Triangle & Content Adductor Canal & Content
Anatomical spaces of the Thigh Femoral Triangle Adductor Canal
Femoral Triangle: Situation: B) Boundaries: 1/3 upper part of anterior aspect of the Thigh Upper Border: Inguinal Ligament Medial Border: Adductor Longus m. Lateral Border: Sartorious m. Floor: Adductor Longus, Pectineous, Iliopsous ms. Roof: Skin and Fascia Apex: Overlap of Sartorious and Adductor Longus ms.
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Femoral Triangle: C) Contents: 1. Femoral artery 2. Femoral vein 3. Femoral nerve 4. Femoral Sheath
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Adductor Canal: (Subsartorious or Hunter’s canal) Situation: B) Boundaries: 1/3 middle part of anteromedial aspect of the Thigh It extents from the apex of the femoral triangle to the opening of adductor hiatus Posterior: Adductor Longus & Adductor Magnus ms. Anterior: Vastus Medialis m. Medial: Sartorious m.
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Adductor Canal: (Subsartorious or Hunter’s canal) Content : 1. Femoral artery & Descending Genicular br. 2. Femoral vein 3. Saphenous nerve 4. Obturator nerve (Post. br.) 5. Nerve to Vastus medialis
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