SEMIC.EU Semantic Interoperability Centre Europe Open Days Workshop eGovernment for Regions Aldo Laudi 7th October 2008
Agenda Semantic Interoperability What is SEMIC.EU? Achievements Next Steps
Semantic Interoperability – practical example A person goes to a foreign country and tries to purchase medicine by trademark. The situation where that trademark is not known in that particular country is not uncommon. As a result, the name of the medicine will not be in the pharmacy's database. Therefore, if the person does not know the ingredients of that particular medicine, then it will be close to impossible for the pharmacist to supply an equivalent drug. In our case, pharmacies around the world would agree on a common database with unique identifiers, their trademarks and different ingredients.
Semantic Interoperability and the Rubik’s Cube Colours The mixed colours represent the data Cube The cube signifies the environment Organisation Through organisation, data is organised and transformed to information Result Meaningful information which can be shared and re-used Now that we have seen a good background of the project, I would like to share with you what we see as semantic interoperability by demonstrating its similarities to the rubix cube. The rubix cube is a well known game, although lately it has lost some of its popularity. Since I was a little boy, it always used to fascinate me how the colored mini cubes can be arranged to lead to sides in all one color. The interesting part of it is that the more you twist the cubes, the more you seem to jumble up the colors and the farther away you are from a solution. In the context of semantic interoperability, the colours here represent the jumbled data. Data which is trying to be shared, but cannot make itself a meaning. The whole cube signifies the environment, we try to work in. Although there are a lot of combinations, these are finite, and thus with collaboration and proper organisation the data, or colors in this case, are put into the right format creating sides of the same color, and thus data with a meaning, which then becomes information, and this can be used and re-used by many.
Semantic Interoperability What is SEMIC.EU? Achievements Next Steps
What is SEMIC.EU? Stands for Semantic Interoperability Centre - Europe A transition from XML clearinghouse A collaborative tool permitting the sharing and re-use of syntactic and semantic assets between European public administrations Serves as a communication platform for the creation of expert communities for the sharing of information and experiences An activity of the IDABC programme – eGovernment Services Unit of the European Commission As you probably already know, SEMIC stands for the Semantic Interoperability Center Europe and it is one of the IDABC’s horizontal programmes. This project is a continuation of the XML clearinghouse, started under the IDABC programme in 2005. But as of last year the Interoperability expert group together with the project team decided to rebrand the name to SEMIC giving it a broader scope. The approach we are taking to address semantic interoperability is to create a pool of assets – syntactic and semantic, as for example ontolgies or taxonomies, which can be re-used by others during the development of new initiatives. The re-use of these assets will ensure that data exchanged is understood and thus increasing the success of pan European initiatives and of course this can be used on a national scale as well For this purpose we have developed a platform to act as a collaborative tool between all stakeholders. This also serves the purpose of a repository where providers can upload their assets so as to share them with other stakeholders. The portal also serves as a communication platform so that both users and providers can come together and support and coach each other in the re-usability of these assets and discuss improvements on existing assets etc..
SEMIC.EU - Services and functionality Clearing processes - to assure the quality of pan-European data exchange Coaching - to use methods and tools published on SEMIC.EU Community functionalities - to communicate with potential European partners Sharing - concepts / data models / experiences / assets to improve interoperability Collaborating with national initiatives to be prepared for future federation Cooperation with European organisations for standardisation SEMIC.EU is based on three main important factor. That of providing the services needed to public administrations specifically supporting the development and the reuse of assets. It is also important to promote collaboration. The purpose here is to try and create an expert community which will be a a living community trying to solve semantic interoperability. Finally, the whole operation depends on the platform through which the sharing is possible. The services offered by semic include mainly the clearing process which defines the processes by which assets are allowed on the platform and how the assets move from one quality level to another together with the processes for new releases and new patches of the same asset. Another service offered, which as expressed by the Member states themselves is the coaching and support function. It is not only the support for re-using assets that have been developed by providers, but also support in the development of new assets. Apart from coaching users how to make best use of the platform. The communicative aspect of semic permits also users and providers to make contact with other European partners. SEMIC.EU is not only a place for collaboration, but also a place for co-operation. Collaboration between users and providers to share the assets, experiences and information. And Co-operation between different sectors within the community like the industry and standardisation bodies to come together and work together with the final aim to have a driving semantic interoperability community. The platform is central to the services of SEMIC.Eu. Its main purpose is to support users and providers to share and thus enable the re-use of assets / information and experinces.
Example of an asset re-use A taxonomy – practice of classification SEMIC.EU re-used the same taxonomy for domains as the Europa site Taxonomy already officially translated in all EU languages
Benefits for user Benefits for provider Saving time and money by reusing interoperability assets Security of investment by the use of proven and quality assured interoperability assets Identification of communities in their specific domains and exchange of experiences Coaching and support on how to use interoperability assets Benefits for provider Promoting existing interoperability assets and solutions Enlarging existing project networks Building domain specific communities Using SEMIC.EU collaboration and communication functionalities Using SEMIC.EU coaching and support budgets Benefits are multiple. Both for the users, those who plan to download and re-use assets but also for those who provide them. Users will have the opportunity to download and re-use the assets thus saving time and money and making sure that the assets they will be using are of a good quality. They also have the opportunity to ask for support both from the semic project team and also from the asset providers themselves, thus forming a community. They will also benefit form the experiences in implementation of similar initiatives. As for the providers, they have the opportunity first and foremost to promote their existing interoperability solutions and enlarging their project networks and thus increase its visibility. When an asset is uploaded the providers have the opportunity to start a forum thread contributing the start of a series of discussions on that particular asset leading to the building of community in that specific domain. Providers have also the chance to use the’s support and coaching functionalities to improve their assets.
Different users different perspectives
Openness and Transparency Communication and Sharing Values of SEMIC.EU Openness and Transparency Communication and Sharing Coaching and Support Semic is built on three principles. The first one is openness. Openness in terms of how assets are administered and cleared. The processes are transparent and open. This is important in order to increase the credibility of the project. It is also important to have a sound communication mechanism both between the stakeholders and the project team and also between the stakeholders themselves. This is the fulcrum of the exchanges of assets, information, experiences etc, and so it is should be given its due importance, as this leads to the third point which is coaching and support. This is a learning process, so we need to support each other making this project a success and Europe, a little more interoperable.
History of SEMIC.EU XML Clearinghouse feasibility Study - Dec 2005 XML Strategy document - Nov 2006 Preparatory phase Contract with ]init[ - Aug 2007 Second Phase deliverables Endorsement of GIP - Nov 2007 Endorsement phase Orientation paper - Jan 2008 Third Phase Deliverables Good Practice Study - Mar 2008 Implementation phase Vision of Clearing process - Apr 2008 Establishment of Expert community - Jan 2008 The XML project started way back in December 2005 by the first delivery of the feasibility study. This first deliverable led to the development of the XML strategy document and to the issuance of the tender for the development of the XML clearinghouse. The contract was awarded in August 2007 and immediately we started to work on two important documents. The Orientation paper which describes the project and the what is intended to be done and the Global Implementation Plan. The GIP was then presented to PEGSCO last November, which was endorsed during the same session. This led to the finalisation of the Orientation paper and led the way for the implementation of the recommendations of the feasibility study and XML strategy document. So far we have set up a community of experts where all EU MS and acceding countries can be represented, we have already held a number of workshops. This group has been instrumental in identifying the requirements of member states and providing feedback on a number of issues. We have also published a good practice study which evaluates similar initiatives and finally recommends ways to implement and operate SEMIC.EU. We have also finalised all supporting functions for the platform, such as the vision of the clearing process, licensing and quality frameworks. Last but the most important we have also delivered the platform. In the third quarter, we will also publish other two studies including the Return on Investment study and a multilingualism study. Platform June 2008 Operational phase
Semantic Interoperability What is SEMIC.EU? Achievements Next Steps
Achievements to date SEMIC.EU conference book „interconnecting people“ Downloaded 373 times Vision of clearing process Downloaded 147 times Licensing framework Downloaded 67 times Quality framework Downloaded 50 times Good practice study Downloaded 182 times
European Arrest Warrant OIOXML_for_Bank_account Achievements to date Top Assets Download (178) More than 200 Registered members 40 Assets available 700 daily visits SEMIC.EU taxonomy 27 European Arrest Warrant 17 OIOXML_for_Bank_account 14 AgroXML 11 MoReq 2 9 XMeld 1.3.2a - XML Schema 6 Efficient Centralized Web Client 6
Semantic Interoperability What is SEMIC.EU? Achievements Next Steps
SEMIC.EU Next steps Continuation with current services Reusing assets is good – developing them together is better Provision of a collaborative tool for developing assets together Publication of Multilingual study and Return on Investment study Creation of Communities and workspace on platform Publication of Facilitating the re-use of SEMIC.EU’s processes, documentation and technology Coordinating more online discussions on documents, assets and projects Visit, Register and start collaborating through Thank you for your attention!