Metro Early College High School Jterm 2016 Schedule
What is JTerm? O This is our 4th year doing a “January Term.” O A “mini-mester” – roughly 5 weeks. O For HS students, J Term is a blended learning experience (part on campus and part virtual)
Why Jterm? O Created to model Ohio State’s switch from trimesters to semesters O Metro’s Jterm similar to Ohio State’s Maymester O Provides an opportunity after Fall semester to remediate coursework; opportunity for acceleration
3 categories of HS students 1. Full time OSU students – will continue to take their OSU courses according to their OSU schedule. They will be UNAFFECTED BY JTERM’S SCHEDULE. 2. Early College Experience Students – will continue to participate in their learning center (according to its schedule) and follow the schedule of any other OSU classes they are taking. They will be UNAFFECTED BY JTERM’S SCHEDULE. 3. Students taking Metro High School classes – these students will follow the schedule on the following slide. They will take ONE JTERM CLASS and up to ONE INDEPENDENT STUDY CLASS.
JTerm Onsite Daily Schedule O Monday’s and Thursday’s O 8:00-9:30- Advisory O 9:30-11:30- a.m. block O 11:30-12:30-Lunch O 12:30-2:30-p.m. block O Wednesday’s O Independent Study O Daily Guest speaker *Advisory will meet on Mondays and Thursdays Note: Students with no Independent Study on Wed. (mastery in all classes) will not be required to be onsite on Wed, but will participate in an virtual checkin
JTerm Virtual Schedule O Tuesday’s and Friday’s O Virtual (online) 9 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Which Classes are offered for HS students? O Recovery Classes- Students who are close to mastery, but need more instruction and more time to demonstrate it. All current HS classes are offered for recovery except: Calculus and Internship O New Classes- Students who have mastered all classes or most second year students O Statistics O Government O Biology O Wellness O Entrepreneurship*
How do Independent Studies work? O Independent studies meet on Wed. from 8am until 2:30 O Students may work on one Ind. Study at a time. If they finish one at mastery before the end of J Term we may enroll them in another Ind. Study O While there is no definitive rule of “cut-off score” Ind. Studies are best fits when students are relatively close to mastering a class (perhaps needing to work on a couple units)
When / How will HS students schedule for J Term? O Students will work with their advisor on 12/10 to make a suggested schedule for their J Term. O The student suggestions will be given to the administration who will begin to work on tentative scheduling next week. O Final assignment turn-in is Dec. 17 th (Wednesday of next week) O Final term grades will be entered by 12/21. O HS schedules will be finalized based on final Fall Term grades between Dec. 22 nd and the start of Jterm. O Students can check on PowerSchool for their schedule.
When is the building open during J Term? O During J Term the building will be open daily from 7:30-4:00. O HS students needing to wait for a MS sibling will be provided a quiet study space to work.
What about advisory during J Term? O During J Term (and throughout the rest of the year), students will remain with their current advisor and advisory students O Advisory will meet on Monday’s and Thursday’s