OVERVIEW Understanding of the physical dimensions of combat.
TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE With the aid of and per the reference MCDP 1 War fighting, explain the elements found in the combat environment.
ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES * The purpose of training The definition of maneuver warfare Conduct of maneuver warfare Orienting of the enemy Philosophy of command Shaping the action Decision-Making
Mission Tactics Commander’s Intent Main effort Surfaces Combined arms Violence and Danger Physical, Moral, and Mental Forces Initiative and Response
PURPOSE OF TRAINING Develop forces that can win in combat. *Training provides both enlisted and officers a common experience, a proud heritage, and a set of values
HOW DO WE TRAIN? Individual Skills- Basic combat skills Collective Training- Challenging Critiques- Self-analysis Professional Military Education
*MANEUVER WARFARE IS... A philosophy that seeks to shatter the enemy’s cohesion through a variety, focused, and unexpected actions which create a turbulent and rapidly deteriorating situation with which the enemy cannot cope.
Bypass the Enemy’s Defenses Relationship of Firepower to Maneuver Warfare: Concentrate on decisive points Objective of Maneuver Warfare: Panic, Resist Objective of Maneuver Warfare: Enemy cannot function *Need for Speed and Focus, surprise, exploitation Human Skills and Traits: Endurance and Courage
ORIENTING ON THE ENEMY Fundamental to maneuver warfare is orienting of the enemy Attacks the enemy “system” Marine Corps concept for winning is a war fighting doctrine based on flexibility and seizing the opportunity
FOCUS OUTWARD In order to penetrate the enemies system we need identify and attack critical vulnerabilities Penetrate by infiltration or a violent attack on narrow frontages at a weak point Get inside your enemy’s thought processes
PHILOSOPHY OF COMMAND Cope with the uncertainty, and disorder Command and control must be decentralized Develop trust Talk directly to one another when possible Commanders command where they can influence the battle
Philosophy Of Command Thrive in an environment of chaos Lack of certainty Competency in a decentralized environment
SHAPING THE ACTION Establish what we want to accomplish and why we want to accomplish it *Commanders preserve momentum and control the tempo of operation. These events should be shaped with several options and not be restricted to one outcome
DECISION-MAKING Time is the most important factor *Intuitive process which should be based on awareness rather than habit Made in the face of uncertainty: No right or wrong solution
Mission tactics Assigning a subordinate a mission without specifying how to accomplish the mission *Benefits the senior commander to focus on higher concerns *Based on the mission the commander develops a concept of operations
*“COMMANDERS INTENT” Subordinate commanders to make decisions on their own initiative they must understand the commanders intent Must have a clear understanding of the intent of the commander at least two levels up Use own initiative and judgment to depart from original plan
MAIN EFFORT Focal point upon which converges the combat power Priority for support Ensures the success of the entire mission *Commander establishes main effort for each operation based on the mission, as they change commanders can sift their main effort Surfaces are hard spots-strength Gaps are soft spots- enemy weaknesses
COMBINED ARMS *Maximize combat power, we must use all available resources to our advantage *For the enemy to counteract one, the enemy must become more vulnerable to another
VIOLENCE Greatest horrors known to humanity Should never be “romanticized” Is an essential element of war, its immediate result is bloodshed, destruction, and suffering Fear has a significant impact on the conduct of war. War is a human phenomenon
DANGER Violent enterprise, danger is ever present Leaders must foster courage to over come fear Experience Self-confidence, experience, and unwillingness to violate the respect and trust of peers helps Marines to overcome fear
PHYSICAL, MORAL,AND MENTAL FORCES Physical characteristics: Loss of material, life Terrain lost or gained Supplies Prisoners or materiel captured *Equipment capabilities, supplies,forced rations are examples
Physical, Moral, and Mental Forces Moral forces: Emotion Fear Courage, Morale Esprit
*Mental forces: Ability to grasp complex battlefield situations Effective estimates Calculations Decisions Devise tactics and strategies
INITIATIVE AND RESPONSE All actions are based on taking initiative or response Its through initiative that we impose our will on the enemy Reacting to the response to the opponent by negating, blocking, or counterattacking the enemy’s intention Counter-punch
What is the definition of maneuver warfare?
A warfare philosophy that seeks to shatter the enemy’s cohesion through a variety of rapid, focused, and unexpected actions which create a turbulent and rapidly deteriorating situation with which the enemy cannot cope.
What is the definition of commander’s intent?
A devise designed to help subordinates understand the larger context of their actions.