Musculoskeletal System Allows for movement!
How muscles and bones allow movement
Vocab Antagonistic pairs: muscles work in pairs with opposite functions Flexion (contraction) Extension (relaxation)
Terms Muscle: contractile tissue Tendon: attaches muscle to bone Ligaments: hold bones together Joint: place where bones come together Cartilage: protects bones at joints
3 Types of Muscle Cells
How does a muscle know when to move? Neuromuscular junction—acetylcholine neurons release neurotransmitters to signal muscle contraction
How do muscles move? Sliding filament theory: Myosin (thick filament) pulls on Actin (thin filament) causing each sarcomere (muscle unit) to contract Lots of ATP is needed for this to happen!
Identify the role of ATP and Calcium ions in control
Rigor Mortis
Bones Skeletal System Protects organs Allows for movement Produces blood cells Bone Marrow
Bones and Calcium
Osteoporosis Osteoblasts Osteoclasts Build Bone Release Calcium *Building bone process stops when you age *Why would it be important for older adults to take supplements of calcium?
Activity We will dissect a chicken wing to model the role of the musculoskeletal system!