M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Feedback In total 134 forms filled:
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility -- Who answered ? In total 51 forms filled: Colleagues from Experiments: Almost all (~34/37) have used the IRRAD facilities before! Colleagues from RadMon: All (2/2) have used facility before! Colleagues from Machine: (Almost) nobody (~0/12) has used the IRRAD facilities before! Have colleagues that filled the form used the present proton irradiation facilities (IRRAD) ?
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility -- Who answered ? 37 forms filled by colleagues working for the Experiments: Feedback for proton facility dominated by Inner Tracker community which Experiments? which detector community?
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Proton Momentum 4 times : 450 GeV/c needed, 24 GeV/c excluded (all from ‘Machine Community’) 5 times : 24 GeV/c needed, 450 GeV/c excluded (all from ‘Experiment Community’) 1 invalid answer (No preference for momentum, but indicated that other would be excluded) 9 from ‘Machine Community’ 1 from ATLAS MUON (G.Mikenberg) (However, not indicated that 24 GeV/c would be excluded) all from ‘Experiment Community’ Conclusion from statistical analysis of Questionnaire: Machine Community needs 450 GeV/c and Experiment Community needs 24 GeV/c Conclusion Need to understand reasoning: Why do people think 24 or 450 GeV/c are excluded? Part of the request for 24 GeV/c p created by fact that presently such a facility is existing
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Reminder: Charged hadron field in Experiments Inner Detector (ATLAS SCT) Hadron Calorimeter 23 GeV 450 GeV
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Fast or Slow Extraction? Conclusion: Seems that this question is difficult to understand: Members of same community give quite different answers! Need to look into argumentation! Pulsed radiation (22%) Continuous radiation (39%) Need both (8%) No preference (32%)
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Required Fluence Required maximum integrated proton fluence: 2 x p/cm 2 (94% require this or less) 3 answers above this limit: 10 19, 10 23, 100MGy Maximum fluence rate Driven by type of experiment: Irradiation hardness test (rather driven by time needed to reach the max fluence than by physics constraints for the irradiation experiment) Fast extraction, thermal shock type experiments
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Purpose of irradiation tests Type of equipment 44% Detector and detector components 26% Material tests 12% Accelerator components 9% Radiation monitors and dosemeters Type of test 55%Radiation hardness test 28% Detector and equipment tests 5%Dosemeter calibrations
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Sample characteristics Size of sample 67% <10cm, <10kg 16% <1m, <25kg 16% >1m, >25kg Part of sample exposed to beam 88% < 10cm x 10cm 8% < 25cm x 25cm 4% < 1 m x 1 m
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Facility Infrastructure Fraction of answers asking for 75 % Electricity 61 % Connections for read out electronics 47 %Beam extraction signal 45 %Temperature controlled environment 42 %Storage area also asked for cold storage space for activated material (-30°C) 35 %Scanning system 28 %Preparation area 16 %Crane 16 %Cryogenics Others: liquid metal handling (mercury) cooling water
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Beam time required (I)
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Proton Facility: Beam time required (II) Remote sample positioning system needed
M.Moll, M.Silari, H.Vincke – 3.April Pure Gamma Facility: Who answered?