Welcome to Biology!
Skip Schneider 18 years at Thayer Teach Biology B (10th grade) AP Environmental Science (12 grade) Marine Science (12 grade) BA in Biology (Principia College) M Ed UMASS Boston New England Aquarium 9 years Waterfront Director for Summer Camp in Maine
The book… iPad CLASS WEBSITE
Structure of the Class Lectures vs Experiential Learning Modeling, peer work, hands on, interactive Notes, notes, notes Homework, grading and late policy Quizzes/tests on Friday Weekly labs Encourage questions Course website
Study skill suggestions Review the notes daily Maximize class time Spend quality time and effort on HW assignments, don’t just go through the motions Quiz/test yourself WEBSITE powerpoints etc…….
What can you do to help? Ask: about what we are studying. to see the HW to see if it is done thoroughly Be a study companion -- use the notes and the text to give a quiz on vocabulary, etc
To contact me….. Email is the best way: sschneider@thayer.org The phone is also an option: 781-664-2304
Next Year Qualitative Chemistry Quantitative Chemistry Robotics comparative design lab independent science research Senior Year….. AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics, AP Env Science Marine Science, Astronomy, Anatomy, ATP,