Registering for Nature’s: Principles of Biology
Please visit: On the top-left navigation, click on “Student Catalog”
Once in the “Student Catalog”, input the course ID of in the “Search by your course code” box.
Confirm your class by clicking on the “Yes, take me to this class” button:
If you have purchased an access code from the bookstore, click on the “Redeem Access Code” link and follow the step-by-step instructions. or If you would like to purchase access directly from Nature, click on “Purchase” link:
FOR E-COMMERCE PURCHASES: If you are new to the site, you will be asked to register to create an account along with a username and password. Once you have signed in, you will see the following option: Please click “Next” and follow the subsequent steps to complete your e- commerce purchase.
Once you have joined your classroom and registered, you can access your class by: Go to the website: On the Upper Right Navigation, “Sign In” Once you have signed in, click on “My Bookshelf” Click on the link to enter your classroom Enjoy!