Manure Wastewater Handling & Storage Summary CNMP Core Curriculum Section 4 – Manure Wastewater Storage and Handling
CNMP Development Core Training Curriculum These course materials have been developed as a cooperative effort between five land-grant universities and The Natural Resources Conservation Service. Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) Copyright © , Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. Copyright Information
Manure Wastewater Storage & Handling What is the purpose of the MWSH part of the CNMP? –Document that the current or planned system is adequate to collect, transfer and store the volume of waste generated until utilization
Manure Wastewater Storage & Handling Collection, storage, treatment, and/or transfer practices shall meet the minimum requirements as addressed in the following NRCS conservation practice standards contained in Section IV of the NRCS FOTG, as appropriate: Waste Storage Facility (Code 313) Waste Treatment Lagoon (Code 359) Manure Transfer (Code 634) Heavy Use Protection Area (Code 561)
Manure Wastewater Storage & Handling Should comply with existing federal, Tribal, State, and local regulations, associated with the following activities: Disposal of dead animals. Disposal of animal medical wastes. Disposal of spoiled feed or other contaminants that may be regulated by a NPDES or State concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) permitting program.
Manure Wastewater Handling & Storage The MWSH component should: –Allow for land application plans in conjunction with the producers intention, and available equipment, labor and cropping system in accordance with NRCS Nutrient Management Policy and the conservation practice standard for Nutrient Management (Code 590)
Manure Wastewater Storage & Handling Additional considerations associated with CNMP development and implementation should be addressed. However, NRCS does not have specific technical criteria for these considerations that are required for CNMPs. These considerations are: Air Quality Pathogens
Manure Wastewater Handling & Storage Adequate storage volume should be demonstrated by the CNMP System management requirements to avoid discharge should also be documented
Manure Wastewater Handling & Storage The capacity of the manure storage system should be clearly documented
Inflow – Outflow Volumes: Holding Pond (ft 3 ) MonthAvailable Volume – Beginning of month Waste InflowAvailable Volume – End of month Application Volume April67,11512,53054,5850 May54,58513,26041,3250 June41,3259,15032,1750 July32,17513,10019,0750 August19,0759,9409,1350 September9,1359,600(465)67,580 October67,11512,36054,75512,360 November67,11516,63050,4850 December50,48517,65032,8350 January32,83517,48015,3550 February15,35515,420(65)0 March(65)18,990(19,055)86,170
Manure Wastewater Handling & Storage The Critical Storage Interval Should be Clearly Defined
Storage required for the five month period from November – March = 644,000 gallons Sample Dairy CNMP Critical Storage Interval Storage required for the seven month period from April – October = 598,000 gallons
Manure Wastewater Handling & Storage Component Should Address: Mortality Management System Closure
The MWSH part of the CNMP should document: –Animal numbers –Animal types –Animal weights –Confinement times –Manure production volumes –Nutrient content of wastes –Added wastewater volumes –Bedding volumes – Runoff areas and volumes –Needed treatments
Manure Wastewater Handling & Storage Should Include: Landowners responsibility guide for construction Operation and Maintenance activities for waste system Address Quality Assurance for any new construction Include system drawings and specifications