Encore Trust California Coastal Commission Hearing June 12, Encore Trust Residence
June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence2
Approvals & Recommendations to Date La Jolla Development Permit Review Committee: February 14, 2012 La Jolla Community Planning Association: March 1, 2012 City of San Diego Hearing Officer: November 14, 2012 City of San Diego Planning Commission: January 17, 2013 (unanimous) San Diego City Council: April 23, 2013 (unanimous) California Coastal Commission Staff Recommendation: No Substantial Issue May 28, 2013 June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence3
June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence4
Project Changes & Improvements Reduced the floor area ratio by 25% to 0.27 where 0.45 is allowed. Increased front yard setback from required 25’ to nearly 40’ Increased South side-yard setback to between 14’ and 19’ Set aside over 1,000 square feet of property for public coastal access trail for dedication Eliminated Guest House Set fencing back from existing coastal access trail and proposed enhanced landscaping to improve experience for trail users. Reduced structure’s footprint to approximately 14% of the site. Designated articulated roof structures to reduce bulk & scale, resulting in an average roof height of approximately 16’ above street level. Increased landscaped are of property to 43% Restricted landscaping height in southern view corridor to 2’ above street level (329’ elevation) and incorporated required fencing transparency in view corridor areas Incorporated conditions of approval addressing the retention of the existing 15’ mid-lot corridor, bluff protection devices and geological risks. Incorporated conditions to remove non-native vegetation within open space and replant with complementary native plant species Incorporate hydromodification measures to address potential stormwater erosion and water quality impacts in natural open space. June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence5
June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence6
June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence7 Source: Letter from Brian C. Fish Esq. to Alex Llerandi – California Coastal Commission May 14, 2013 pg. 15.
Elements Considered by Decision Makers Enhanced Front and Side Yard Setbacks. Height of the Project. Northern View Corridor Easement. Southern View Corridor Easement. Sensitive Landscaping and Fencing. Public Access Trail Dedication. June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence8
June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence9
LCP Visual Resources 2 (a) (a)Public views from identified vantage points to and from La Jolla’s community landmarks and scenic vistas of the ocean, beach and bluff areas, hillsides, and canyons shall be retained and enhanced for public use. Source: La Jolla Community Plan pg. 50. June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence10
Northern View Corridor from Blackgold Rd. 11June 12, 2013Encore Trust Residence Tip of the Arrow - **Simulation with Vegetation Removed