HES HKS meeting 24 Sep 2010 Toshiyuki Gogami 9/4/2010 in Prague, Czech
Content e, e + background mix rate debug in h_tof_pre.f
e,e + b.g. in HKS TOP view Side view X [cm] X’ [rad] 5 × 5 [cm 2 ] HKS - D HKS - Q
B.G mix rate in HKS trigger just after pattern recognition ==>cut bad combination of space point (like TOF_pre) ==>CPU power, analysis time 52 Cr (77124) 12 C (76077) 9 Be (76607) 10 B (76184) 7 Li (76184). ×10 44 a b B.G. mix rate = a/(a+b)
Clusters in single residual vs. chi2 distribution Longer drift time events make clusters x [cm] x’ [rad] single residual [cm] track χ 2 drift time [ns]
h_tof_pre.f pre track with space points – single hit in KTOF – multi hit in KTOF start time calculation for drift time of chambers correction (card)
Bugs in h_tof_pre.f start time for drift time KTOF TDC information – single hit – multi hit (mean)
Residual vs. χ 2 Disappear clusters CH 2 target Current New Current New CH 2 target 16 %
Drift distance x’ vs. residual x’ reference plane Residual [cm] (KDC1-3) x’ reference plane Residual [cm] (KDC1-3) drift distance [cm] Current New Current Stripe CH 2 target
Summary and to do Summary – e,e + background cut just after pattern recognition – debug in “h_tof_pre.f” disappear clusters in residual vs. chi2 distribution drift time distribution got better number of event up <== χ 2 is better to do – e,e+ b.g. cut routine – Hough transform – choose single hit ==> see all combination
End 楓林 マーボー茄子定食 ~ 840 yen Hosomi Takeshi Nagao
e,e + b.g.
Residual vs. χ 2 of KDC2 CH2 target 16%
Residual vs. χ 2 of KDC2 52 Cr target 40%
Drift time before and after modified CH 2 target
Single residual σ = 170 [ps]
KDC wire coordinate have discrete peak [ cm ] wire_coordinate 3 CH 2 target (run76314) Wire_coord = ±Drift distance
“Drift time” to “Drift distance” (HKS) PARAM / hdriftmap.param.0 number of array +50
h_drift_dist_calc.f ilo ihi gradient fractional part Interpolate drift time
exceptional handling h_drift_dist_calc.f 0 [cm] 0.5 [cm] Drift Distance Drift time [ ns ] 0.44 [%]0.57 [%]