CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: BACKGROUND The MPA is a 39 hour program which emphasizes the development of theoretical and practical knowledge skills and abilities that prepare students to serve public and nonprofit institutions. The Capstone is designed to be a culminating experience.
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: BACKGROUND The purpose of the Capstone is to give students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to: to define a public sector issue/problem; to analyze, synthesize, think critically, and solve the problem defined; to articulate and apply a public service perspective. Criteria for enrolling: must be in the last 9 hours of their MPA program; must have completed PA8120, Research Methods; must have an approved proposal.
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: ANALYSIS Discussion the Capstone Project and the design of the course began in What do we really want students to know after 39 hours (outcomes)? Is the Capstone course designed in a way to measure it? How well does the Capstone course and the Capstone Project gauge student learning outcomes? How well aligned are our actions within the framework of our mission? How aligned connected are the Projects to NASPAA core competencies? Self-study year was Conducted an analysis of Projects in fall 2010 for
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: ANALYSIS What do we really want students to know after 39 hours (outcomes)? Same as NASPAA’s Universal Competencies: the ability to lead and manage in public governance; to participate in and contribute to the policy process; to analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions; to articulate and apply a public service perspective; to communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry.
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: ANALYSIS N= 29 Query: clear question or hypothesis were multiple methods of data gathering used methodology used(quantitative, qualitative, mixed) were the methods appropriate to the research question were data collection procedures discussed
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: were data analysis procedures discussed level of data analysis and presentation (low, medium, high) was writing focused, well organized and unified were the findings and recommendations useable what was the project’s overall level of sophistication (1-5, 1=high)
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: FINDINGS Clear question or hypothesis? Yes - 86% Were multiple methods of data gathering used? Yes – 51% Methodology used(quantitative, qualitative, mixed) Quantitative- 31% Qualitative – 27% Mixed – 27% Other – 15% (including 1 meta-analysis, 1 quasi-experimental program comparison model) Were the methods appropriate to the research question? Yes - 62% No – 10% NA – 14% Not sure – 14%
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: FINDINGS Were data collection procedures discussed? Yes – 69% Partially – 17% No – 14% Were data analysis procedures discussed? Yes – 20% Partially – 12% No – 68% Level of data analysis and presentation (low, medium, high) Low – 38% Medium – 41% High – 21%
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: FINDINGS Was writing focused, well organized and unified? Yes – 65% OK (neither good nor bad) – 32% No – 3% Were the findings and recommendations useable? Yes – 65% Don’t know – 35% What was the project’s overall level of sophistication (1-5, 1=high) 1 – 10% 2 – 20% 3 – 25% 4 – 31% 5 – 14%
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: CONCLUSION What do we really want students to know after 39 hours (outcomes)? Is the Capstone course designed in a way to measure it? Only partially; it measures the ability to define problems, analyze, synthesize, think critically, and solve the defined problem. It does not measure whether students can lead and manage in public governance; participate in and contribute to the policy process; articulate and apply a public service perspective.
CAPSTONE PROJECT AT UNO: CONCLUSION How well does the Capstone course and the Capstone Project gauge student learning outcomes? It measures many of the universal competencies quite well. The MPA Committee is currently studying how to broaden outcomes measurements – if not through the Capstone project but through a more comprehensive ending experience. How well aligned are our actions within the framework of our mission? How aligned connected are the Projects to NASPAA core competencies?