Salamander reproduction Internal (spermatophore) or external fertilization Most oviparous Most breed, lay eggs in water Most have larval stage (tadpole) Few have parental care Complex courtship, pheromones spermatophore
Courtship in Ambystoma talpoideum
Salamander diversity
Variable characters within Caudata External/internal fertilization (w spermatophore) Costal grooves Ribs unicapitate/bicapitate Paedomorphic characters –Gills –Absence of eyelids –Tailfin, webbed feet Chromosome number, amount of DNA
Sirenidae two genera, 4 species SE USA elongate, paedomorphic external gills, lack eyelids nonpedicellate teeth lack pelvic girdle, hindimbs aquatic external fertilization
Sirenidae two genera, 4 species SE USA elongate, paedomorphic external gills, lack eyelids nonpedicellate teeth lack pelvic girdle, hindimbs aquatic external fertilization
Cryptobranchidae Andrias (2 sp: China, Japan), Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (E USA) paedomorphic lidless eyes, (internal) gills, absence of tongue pad aquatic largest amphibians (1.8 m) external fertilization
Two-toed amphiuma Amphiuma means Amphiumidae one genus, 3 species SE USA elongate, paedomorphic: lack eyelids, tongue; have (internal) gills pedicellate teeth retain both pairs of limbs (and girdles), but small limbs aquatic up to 1.1 m long internal fertilization female parental care
Ambystomatidae One genus, 32 species North America some paedomorphic hybrids, unisexual forms most terrestrial as adults, some aquatic
Dicamptodontidae one genus, four species NW USA large, up to 17 cm SVL eats terrestrial vertebrates facultative metamorphosis
Proteidae two genera, six species Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Eastern USA aquatic paedomorphic, external gills, tail fin
Plethodontidae 27 genera, 433 species Americas, Italy, S Korea nasolabial groove lack lungs diverse –Fossorial, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal –Webbed feet, ballistic tongue, prehensile tail well-studied for speciation
Plethodontidae 27 genera, 433 species Americas, Italy, S Korea nasolabial groove lack lungs diverse –Fossorial, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal –Webbed feet, ballistic tongue, prehensile tail well-studied for speciation
Plethodontidae 27 genera, 433 species Americas, Italy, S Korea Nasolabial groove lack lungs diverse –Fossorial, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal –Webbed feet, ballistic tongue, prehensile tail well-studied for speciation
Salamandridae 21 genera, 97 spp N America, Europe, Asia, N Africa Newts poisonous skin, aposematic coloration some with terrestrial eft stage
Rhyacotritonidae One genus, four species Pacific NW USA old growth coniferous forests internal fertilization Hynobiidae Nine genera, 43 species Asia external fertilization lungs reduced to absent
Caudata phylogeny Duellman & Trueb (1986) –Parsimony, 30 morph characters Larson and Dimmick (1993) –29 morph characters, 177 nDNA, parsimony Gao and Shubin (2001) –60 morph characters, 177 nDNA, parsimony; incl. fossil taxa Weisrock et al. (2005) –mtDNA, nDNA (~1300 chars); parsimony, ML, Bayesian Wiens et al. (2005) –Morph chars (~300), nDNA, mtDNA; parsimony, ML, Bayesian Frost et al. (2006), Pyron and Wiens (2011)
Pyron and Wiens 2011
Anura (Salientia): Frogs
6509 species
Synapomorphies of Anura urostyle lack tail fused tibia and fibula fused ulna and radius hindlimbs > forelimbs Nine (or fewer) presacral vertebrae
Frog reproduction general
Digestive gut shortens; stomach forms Tadpole mouthparts disappear; replaced by teeth, etc. Movable eyelids Lungs form Cartilaginous skeleton replaced with bone Tail resorbed Limbs form Tadpole metamorphosis
Tadpole types Grace Orton Type 1: Pipidae + Rhinophrynidae Type 2: Microhylidae Type 3: Ascaphus, Leiopelma, Bombinatoridae, + Discoglossidae Type 4: all other frogs Type 1 Type 2 Type 3Type 4