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Presentation transcript:


Goal Provide training for our teacher assistants on the Common Core Curriculum Help them understand the goals and objectives teachers are trying to meet Engage their help in the classroom to further support the teacher Better assist the students with their work toward curriculum objectives Continue professionalism among faculty and staff

Training Structure Short sessions (30 minutes each) During the school day Flexible time frames (2 dates to choose to attend) All sessions were optional

Style of Training Fun Informative Hands-on Collaborative Small groups

Information Presented Basics on Common Core Curriculum (PowerPoint) “What is the Common Core?” Language Arts Common Core (PowerPoint) Mathematics Common Core (PowerPoint)

Format Overview of curriculum Looked at curriculum online Looked at teachers’ texts Used student manipulatives to explore sample questions

Language Arts Session We sat in a round group as an example of literature circles Looked at simple text examples and took literature circle roles Looked at differences in literature circles as apposed to guided reading groups and expectations for each Modeled read-alouds Explored critical thinking questions Discussed writing rubrics

Mathematics Small group tables Give manipulatives Solved sample problem solving problems Looked at major focus at specific grade levels Discussed how to best help students Brainstormed games they could create to add to teacher resources

Feelings During Sessions Teacher assistants were appreciative Teacher assistants were receptive Everyone brought background knowledge and experiences to discussions Teacher assistants were creative on how to use new information in classroom to help teachers and students In second sessions they even brought materials in that they had questions about or current periodicals they wanted explained based on the new curriculum

Results Our testing scores continue to increase since switching from Iowa test to Stanford 10. Long term evidence is still inconclusive If we continue training and our scores continue to increase, then we know there is some evidence to support this training effort.

Feedback from Teachers Training was not an inconvenience to their schedule. 50% of teachers saw an increase in assistant providing help to students: Helping students individually with classwork Remediating students Asking good questions when helping students to solve problems Guide students through use of manipulatives to solve problems 50% of teachers saw an increase in assistant providing curriculum help: Suggesting lesson ideas, activities, or games Making lesson materials Taking over lessons as needed Leading literature circles or guided reading groups Asking critical thinking questions after read-aloud sessions

Feedback from Assistants Training was not an inconvenience to their schedule. 90% felt an increase in confidence in providing help to students: Helping students individually with classwork Remediating students Asking good questions when helping students to solve problems Guide students through use of manipulatives to solve problems 100% felt an increase in confidence in providing curriculum help: Suggesting lesson ideas, activities, or games Making lesson materials Taking over lessons as needed Leading literature circles or guided reading groups Asking critical thinking questions after read-aloud sessions

Future Assistant Training Technology training (iPad labs) Explore Science and Social Studies Curriculum Further explore writing curriculum Book talks