CCSA session on SDMX implementation Werner Bier and Per Nymand-Andersen European Central Bank CCSA session on SDMX implementation, FAO headquarters, 11 September 2014 CCSA coordination for the implementation of SDMX SDMX Reporting templates Concept and methods
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation Statistics domains International statistical Standards* International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Overarching concept Agriculture Education Drugs Health …. Energy Telecom Postal Tourism Finance Economics Concepts & definitions System of National Accounts (SNA08) A System of Health Accounts System of Criminal Justice Statistics FAO Concepts and Definitions for Agricultural Statistics …. Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6) * See “Global Inventory of Statistical Standards” on CCSA UN web-page for additional examples Methodological guidelines detailed specifications of methodology taken from the corresponding international standards stocks recorded at end month flows recoded on accrual basis nominal values end-of-month exchange rates …… seasonal adjustments SDMX standards detailed coding of series for each statistical domains SDMX (version 2.1) Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) associated SDMX code lists SDMX registry and maintenance Web-sites statistics SDMX codes metadata
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing The System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 is the international statistical standard for the measurement of economic developments, such as GDP & Government debt ESA 2010 is the corresponding European version of the SNA 2008 The Statistical standard includes both conceptual issues such as definitions of sectors, instruments, classifications valuations and reporting templates (called “transmission programs”) including timetables for transmitting the statistics The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing The story of the System of National Accounts The International reporting templates (called “transmission programs”) provide the methodological specifications associated with each statistical series – selected from the statistical standard. It is the statistical description associated with each series, which (i) makes each series statistical accurate and provides consistent (ii) clarity for each reporting agent The reporting templates are drafted by methodological experts from international organisations. This could be (i) from a smaller; (ii) same (iii) or larger group of IOs, who participated to and govern the International Statistical Standard
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Reporting templates specify the reporting deadlines and period coverage The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Reporting templates specify the relevant breakdowns The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Reporting templates specify the statistical specifications associated with each series It specifies the methods associated with each series, such as Adjustments methods- if the series is seasonal and/or working day adjusted Valuation methods - if the series is valuated as nominal or market value Maturity type - if the series is reported as original or residual maturity Prices - if the series is recorded in current or constant prices Unit measurement - if the unit is measured in USD and in millions Exchange rate methods- if the end-of-month exchange rate is applied The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing The detailed reporting templates are then converted into unique code classifications domains specifying the relevant dimensions, code lists with descriptions This is a conversion of the detailed statistical methodology specified in the reporting templates into uniquely identifiable codes for each statistical series The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing This conversion makes it feasible to instruct computers to identify the statistics and to transmit this to other computers, where the statistics can then be stored, checked, processed or published automatically, in a fast, reliable and on a frequent basis SDMX is the statistical standard which facilitates and reduces manual, labour intense and prone to error work, freeing up qualified resources The SDMX codes are drafted jointly by methodological experts together with IT experts and stored for public access within a SDMX Global RegistrySDMX Global Registry This conversion could be done by a (i) smaller; (ii) same; or (iii) larger group of IOs, who participated in drafting the international reporting templates The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Example of converting the reporting templates into SDMX codes GFS.A.N.IT.WO.S13.S1.C.L.LE.GD.T._Z.EUR._T.F.V.N._T The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Local publishing of the statistics Enabling the quality checks, dissemination, presentation and release of the international statistics to users and the general public By releasing the (i) statistics, (ii) SDMX codes and (iii) metadata any user can extract local statistics automatically Enhances the usability, availability and synchronisation of releasing statistics among international organisations The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing The “Inter-Agency Group” (IAG) was formed to coordinate the publishing of macroeconomic statistics among IOs and to assure that that releases of new macroeconomic statistics are synchronised across all international organisations The (IAG) consists of BIS, ECB, EUROSTAT IMF, OECD, UN and WB The story of the System of National Accounts
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing CCSA members may reflect and discuss the following four considerations Possible CCSA working method Can today’s presentations be applied to the work of CCSA and for strengthening the cooperation among its members?
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Possible CCSA working method 2.These teams could coordinate and -identify variations in methodology among the international reporting templates -discuss the methodological choices with the aim of converging towards common methodology CCSA members may reflect and discuss the following considerations 1.CCSA members with interest in the same statistical standards may benefit from coordinating the international reporting templates and SDMX schema
Rubric CCSA SDMX cooperation International statistical standards International reporting templates International SDMX tool kit Local publishing Possible CCSA working method CCSA members may reflect and discuss the following considerations 4.These teams could coordinate -draft work plans and timetables within own work programmes -the implementation of the SDMX codes within own statistical production -the synchronisation of releases among international organisations 3.These teams could coordinate the SDMX standards by -developing the SDMX domain and the associated SDMX code lists
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