PRESENTATION ON TOURISM TO THE COMMITTEE ON PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT POLICIES Richard Campbell Chief, Culture and Tourism Section Department of Economic and Social Development Organization of American States (OAS) November 14, 2014
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Department of Economic & Social Development Maryse Robert Competitiveness, Innovation & Technology Section Trade & Economic Development Section Social Development Section Culture and Tourism Section Department of Sustainable Development Sustainable Energy Section Sustainable Cities, Risk Management & Climate Change Section Integrated Management of Water Resources Section Environmental Law, Policy & Governance Section Department of Human Development, Education & Employment Marie Levens Human Development & Education Section Labor & Employment Section Section of Policies Secretariat for Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL) (Section) Section of Technical Cooperation Secretariat for the Inter- American Committee on Ports (CIP) (Section) Administrative Management Support Section
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Culture and Tourism Section of the Organization of American States (OAS) is to support the development of tangible and intangible cultural and tourism assets and cement new and established links between the tourism and culture sectors to enhance the contribution of both sectors to economic and social development in OAS member states.OASOAS member states.
INSTRUCT the Inter-American Committee on Tourism (CITUR), with the support of Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI), to develop a medium term strategy to enhance tourism cooperation and competitiveness in the Americas which covers, among others, the following areas: sustainability, infrastructure, innovation and quality, tourism security, and promotion. From these areas will arise the following actions: travel facilitation, development of indices and related statistics, support to MSMEs in the tourism sector, product development and the development of standards INSTRUCT SEDI to continue supporting tourism initiatives of MSMES, cooperatives and other units of production in the Americas, through training, capacity building, institutional strengthening, and competitiveness programs. INSTRUCT the SEDI to implement the strategy to increase voluntary contributions to the FHT. ENTRUST the CITUR to continue with the arrangements for the Second Programming Cycle of the FHT. INSTRUCT SEDI to support and strengthen the SDAA initiative in the Caribbean and Central America and thereafter expand its coverage to include a broader range of countries from other sub-regions of the Americas; and further instruct the SEDI in coordination with its regional partners to seek additional resources from the private and public sector as well as other relevant agencies to support this expansion. INSTRUCT SEDI to implement the strategy to promote the participation of associate members, in accordance with Article 19 of the Rules of Procedure of CITUR, in its activities Instruct SEDI to explore options for the creation of more interrelated programming between tourism and culture in order to maximize the contributions of both sectors to sustainable development in member states of the OAS. MANDATES: CIDI/TUR-XXII/DEC.1/14 XXII CONGRESS
AREAS OF FOCUSOBJECTIVESUPPORT SINCE Policy Dialogue Promote Ministerial Policy Dialogue and serve as an important platform for the exchange of experiences and best practices, and provides a mechanism to support technical studies, strengthen communication between government agencies and the private sector, consider technical cooperation proposals, and support member states in their efforts to develop the tourism sector. Inter American Congress of Ministers and High Level Authorities of Tourism restarted in 2011 after eight (8) year hiatus Support for Tourism SMEs: Small Tourism Enterprise Network (STEN) Integrates public, private and community sector strategies to provide strategic support to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the tourism industry in the Caribbean Support For Sustainable Tourism: Sustainable Destinations Alliance for the Americas (SDAA) Contribute to increasing tourism destination competitiveness in the Caribbean and Central America by promoting sustainable destination management Tourism and Security Collaborate with the Secretariat of Multidimensional Security and the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism in executing training courses in Tourism and Security in the Americas 2007 PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES
CITUR ASSOCIATE MEMBERS AND STRATEGIC ALLIANCES CITUR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSCOOPERATION/ALLIANCES American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) Hotel and Tourism Association of Colombia (COTELCO) Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) Cooperation Agreement OAS-CTO- Government of Barbados GSTC – Global Sustainable Tourism Council Cooperation Agreement OAS – SITCA Cooperation Agreement OAS – UNWTO Alliance with FEDECATUR – Federation of Central American Tourism Chambers FEDESUD – South American Federation of Tourism
SCHOLARSHIPS PROGRAM YearCourse Name # of Scholar-ship Awards Offering Institution (O.I) Country of Study Language of Instruction 2014 Diplomado en Gestión del Turismo Sostenible (May 7th to November 7th, 2014) 10 Fondo Verde-PerúOnlineSpanish 2014 Masters and Bachelors in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development 8ITCILO Spanish and English INTRA-OAS COLLABORATION
Name of ProjectFunding SourceFunding ContributionBeneficiary Country/ies Tourism Public Attitude Change and Awareness Project FEMCIDIUS$ 219,496Haiti Craft Enhancement and Business Planning Training Project FEMCIDIUS$ 78, Grenada, Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines OAS Development Cooperation Fund (OAS/DCF ) INTRA-OAS COLLABORATION
Collaboration with the Secretariat of Multidimensional Security and the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism in executing training courses in Tourism and Security in the Americas. Collaborated with the CIP Secretariat in Maritime Award of the Americas for the Sustainable Tourism Port Destination awarded to the Regional Port Society of Cartagena – Colombia.
THANK YOU Richard Campbell Chief, Culture and Tourism Section Department of Economic and Social Development Organization of American States