Examining the Standards for Mathematical Practice MTL Meeting October 18, 2011 Hank Kepner Connie Laughlin Lee Ann Pruske Beth Schefelker
K-7 Content Goal for Deepen our understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice with a focus on: 1- Making sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 3 - Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 6 - Attend to precision Develop an understanding of various progressions of mathematics development.
Standards for Mathematical Practice: More than just 8 statements! Turn and talk Summarize the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Why are the Standards for Mathematical Practice important?
Learning Intention and Success Criteria We are learning to Deepen our understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice We will be successful when… We can link Standards for Mathematical to classroom instructional behaviors both teachers and students.
Standards for Mathematical Practice
Reasons to Re-visit the Mathematical Practices Develop a common understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice in all MTLs. Develop a common message across the district as to the work of the MTL and the development of understanding for the CCSS-Mathematics.
Jigsaw the Reading Each person reads their assigned standards Person 1 and 5 read #1 and #6 Person 2 reads #2 and #3 Person 3 reads #4 and #5 Person 4 reads #7 and #8 Highlight the important ideas in these standards and prepare a short summary of these ideas. 3-4 MINUTES each: Take turns explaining your standards to the rest of your table group
Multiplicative Comparison 4.OA.1 Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparision, e.g., interpret 35=5 times 7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5. Represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisions as multiplication equations. Let’s put that thinking to use….
Books Checked Out of The Library Najee Tariq Celine Jamarcus Brooks = 5 books If Jamarcus checked out three times as many books as Dawson, how many books did Dawson check out?
Write two more sentences using the words “times as many”. Books Checked Out of The Library Najee Tariq Celine Jamarcus Brooks = 5 books
Memories Draw upon the thinking you did on the CABS question and session on Multiplicative Reasoning – Strip Diagrams Focus on your Mathematical Practices. For each: Identify specific instances of the practice What were you doing as students? What were the instructors doing to foster this practice? Be prepared to share your example with the whole class.
Linking the Practices to Your Work as an MTL In what way are lessons being planned to provide students an opportunity to apply aspects of the Standards for Mathematical Practice in their daily experiences? What experiences do classroom teachers need in order to develop these practices in their skill set?
Two areas of focus that need to be linked Linking of LESA and Mathematical Practices Continuum of development of the Mathematical Practices over time
Learning Intention and Success Criteria We are learning to Deepen our understanding of the Standards for Mathematical Practice We will be successful when… we can link Standards for Mathematical to classroom instructional behaviors both teachers and students.
Reflection How will you model these practices in each of your assigned schools?
Feedback Question How will you use today’s ideas in your classroom visits and coaching conversations about lesson planning? How will you notice when students’ behaviors exhibit the mathematical practices?