Fixture 2: Team Selection
Fixture 2 Warm up First Half: browsing the selection Second half: choosing your selection Post Match Activities
Objectives To find out what you like to read To find out about the variety of reading material To practise skimming and scanning to make quick judgements about a book To work as a group
Warm-up Game Coach Says If you hear the phrase “Coach says...”, you must do it. If you simply hear the instruction without saying “Coach says...”, you should not do it. For example, “Coach says... jog on the spot... stop jogging.” (Anyone who stops is wrong and must sit down.) Keep going until you have a winner.
Choosing a Book Brainstorm all the ways that you can think of that you, or those around you, choose a book This is a timed activity! You have five minutes Now order these into your top three choices and say why…. This is now your success criteria
Team Selection Look at the selection of books on the tables Spend 5 minutes on each table – as a group discuss which the best ones are according to your success criteria – add post it notes to these books saying what you liked about them Now think about which books you liked the most – add your thoughts to post it notes and place on the books
The Second Half Feedback your ideas – “I like the characters on the front...” – “The blurb sounds exciting...” – “My friend read this and said it was really good…” Now you have two minutes to agree on the absolute best book in the collection in your groups Was this easy or hard decision to make? Why? Locate Fixture 2 in the Training Log. Fill in your top three choices.
Post-match Activity Tell us about your online games and activities Share your training log and earn stickers Let’s update the Challenge Poster Who is Man of the Match? Instalment story
Cooldown The Memory Game One pupil must start with a list about a topic given to them (e.g. Manchester United – Louis Van Gaal) The next student then repeats what the first student said and adds to the list (e.g. Manchester United – Louis Van Gaal – Wayne Rooney) You are “out” if you can’t remember the list so far.