Job Performance Requirement 14-8 Four-Person Ladder Raise
JPR 14-8A A Whenever possible, a four-person ladder raise should be used, as one more firefighter will assist with the weight and leverage of the ladder. This operation is usually safer for the scene and will help prevent injuries. The four-person raise is basically the same as the three-person raise, but with an additional heeler. As with the three-person raise, a rung raise should be used. The ladder may be carried using any one of the carries, but, once the ladder butt is placed on the ground, the ladder should be pivoted to the rung raise position with the fly section out prior to the raise. (The ladder can be pivoted before raising the fly section, if necessary.)
JPR 14-8B B The heelers remain at the butt end to heel the ladder. The firefighters at the tip are the raisers, and they lift the ladder and place a beam upon their shoulders. The heelers crouch down and grab a rung and beam with each hand. The command to raise is given and the raisers lift the ladder up and position under their respective beam.
JPR 14-8C C With their arms extended straight, each raiser proceeds toward the building, using the beam to lift the ladder.
JPR 14-8D D If the fly section remains in, the ladder can be pivoted at this point to move it to the outside. Once the ladder is vertical, the firefighters shift position so that there is a firefighter on the outside of each beam, one firefighter on the outside of the rungs and a firefighter on the inside of the rungs. The three outside firefighters steady the ladder, while the inside firefighter grasps the halyard and raises the ladder. All firefighters ensure that hands are free of the moveable fly section. All four firefighters watch the operation and watch to ensure the ladder is at the proper position and locked.
JPR 14-8E E The outsider firefighters assume the job of heeling the ladder using their feet to steady the ladder on the ground and their hands to control the descent. All four firefighters lower the ladder into the objective. If the ladder needs adjusting for climbing angle, all four firefighters help adjust. Taking down the ladder will result in these steps performed in reverse.