Why e‐skills matter for employability Ian Clifford Telecentre Europe
Early adopter Functional use Communications Information Transactions Content creator Entertainment Social Virtual resident
Why e-Skills matter to society It’s a case of social equity 2% of people in the highest income category (>£40,000) have never used the internet, compared to 31% of those in the lowest income (<£10,399) category 55% of people without any qualifications have never used the internet, compared to 2% with a degree UK figures ONS 2010
UK online centres users lives – before and after “Does the internet improve lives?” Freshminds April, 2009 Communicate more Feel more connected to local community Feel less concerned about skills, work and health
World Economic Forum: Global ICT “Readiness” “Europe display remarkable levels of ICT readiness, with 11 regional economies featuring among the top 20 of the world’s best performers”….. Why is this? A Europe wide culture of e-skills learning and infrastructure development over the last years, which has stimulated the employment economy, creating opportunities…. “What goes around comes around”
People with disabilities Employment rate of disabled people of working age 30: 40% Graduation rate: 32% People with disabilities are mostly low-skilled.
Eskills matter Digital journey Being employable means being online Eskills culture has contributed to Europe being global regional leader Even more to people with disabilities Being entertained, just living!