After Reading Beowulf
King of the Danes Hrothgar
Name of the Mead hall Herot
Mead Beer. An alcoholic liquor made by fermenting honey and water.
Killing the Men Herot Grendel
How do people survive? They leave the hall before nightfall.
Beowulf He desires to help the helpless.
The watchman who sees Geatland is, at first, suspicious.
When Grendel realizes Beowulf’s strength, he tries to flee.
Beowulf’s men are of no help to him because their weapons are useless.
How does Beowulf kill Grendel? Hands
Who avenges Grendel? His mother
During the battle with Grendel’s mother, Beowulf is driven on mainly by a desire for Revenge
What protects Beowulf from Grendel’s mom? Mail
Which of the following is the main reason that Beowulf cuts off Grendel’s head? a desire to have a trophy
The poem suggests that Beowulf’s superiority or greatness is apparent to all who come in contact with him.
What is another name for a person who sings or tells stories? a scop.
caesura When the time came, kindness for kindness—With our lives, if he needed them.
Kenning As the Rings-Giver fell back; the dragon bit him.
Alliteration Sally Strode steadily towards the stove.
Epithet The Creator of All for God