Major Academic Plan (MAP) Why study a language? Students learn the practical skills of speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing, while also building enhanced analytical and critical thinking skills. Language is one of the foundations of cultural diversity and the program helps students better understand their own heritage. Study Abroad Opportunities The Modern Languages Department offers a summer program in Salamanca, Spain at the Escuela Internacional, where EWU students and professors study the language and culture together. Other opportunities to study in locations across the globe can be coordinated through the Study Abroad Office. Contact Elena Axton at or Complementary Courses Many Spanish students have found the following courses or second majors offered at EWU to enhance their understanding of language and engage their minds in new and different ways: English as a Second Language Government and International Affairs Women’s and Gender Studies Philosophy English Literature Creative Writing Department Chair Dr. Florian Preisig 133 Patterson Hall Cheney, WA Department Assistant Vickie Roig 133 Patterson Hall Cheney, WA Sample Careers Teaching Business International Affairs Social Services Health Care Criminal Justice Associate of Arts BA in Spanish (45 or 60 credits) Modern Languages, Literatures, and Philosophy Department College of Arts, Letters, and Education
Degree Requirements (AA-DTA) with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements Required Courses for Undergraduate Students at EWU International Studies (4 quarter credit minimum) BUS 120 International Business (5) GEOG 230 World Regional Geography (5) HIST 142 History of Japan (5) HIST 230 Latin American History (5) HUM 224 Contemporary Global Cinema (5) HUM 241 The Impact of the Nazi Past (5) MUSC 109 World music (5) POLS 102 Comparative Government (5) POLS 125 Introduction to Global Issues (5) POLS& 203 International Relations (5) POLS 205 Islam and the West; Theater of Cooperation and Conflict (5) SOC& 201 Social Problems (5) COMMUNICATION (10 credits) ENGL& 101 English Composition I (5)ENGL 101 College Composition: Argument and Exposition (5) ENGL& 102 Composition II (5)ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) QUANTITATIVE/SYMBOLIC REASONING (5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. HUMANITIES (15 credits) SPAN& 121 Spanish I (5)SPAN 101 First-Year Spanish I (5) SOCIAL SCIENCES (15 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. MATHEMATICS/SCIENCE (15 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. HEALTH/REC/LEISURE/ACTIVITIES COURSES (5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. ELECTIVES (25 credits) SPAN& 122 Spanish II (5)SPAN 102 First-Year Spanish II (5) SPAN& 123 Spanish III (5)SPAN 103 First-Year Spanish III (5) These courses can be taken before or during the major Program. Foreign Language o Two full years of high school-level or one full year of college-level credit is required for graduation. Cultural Diversity (4 quarter credit minimum) ANTH& 210 Indians of North America (5) ART 112 Non-Western Art (5) CMST 226 Gender Communication (5) CMST 227 Intercultural Communication (5) ENGL 247 American Multicultural Literature (5) ENGL 259 African American Literature (5) ENGL278 Women Writers (5) HIST& 219 Native American History (5) HUM 102 Introduction to Women’s Studies (5) HUM 107 Introduction to Cultural Studies (5) SOC 221 Race and Ethnic Relations (5) SOC 230 Sociology of Gender (5) WS 201 Women of Our World (5) Course(s) listed in the left column are those offered at your institution, course(s) listed in the right column are those that are equivalent at EWU.