More than 326,000 young drivers are injured every year in traffic crashes.
Alcohol and drugs is a common cause of serious crashes. Do not drink and drive.
An alarming number of teenagers die in crashes because they’re not buckled up. Two-thirds of the teenagers who died last year were not buckled up.
Buckle Up!
“Text Messaging”, Biggest Distraction for Teen Drivers!!!
Don’t be Distracted!
Two teens in a car increases the like hood of a crash by 86%.Nearly half of all teen crashes involved vehicles with one or more teen passengers. 59% of teenage passenger death occur in vehicles driven by another teenager.
25% of all teen accidents involve speeding!
Traffic crashes are the leading cause death for teenagers across the United States.
It’s not cool to be dead or arrested for driving drunk and/or speeding, and causing a fatal motor vehicle accident.
Fight those statistics, don’t be a part of them!
Teen Drivers – DDS
Now you do the math! Use the data given in the next slide to create either a pie chart, a line graph or a bar graph. Give your chart or graph a title and identify your source. Next select how many data points you will enter. Identify the mean, median and mode for your chart or graph. Click on the image for help !