S CIENCE P ORTFOLIO Ms. Bruscino Room 301 Date: 9/08/14
What is a Science Portfolio? Our Science Portfolio will be an integral part of our science journey this year. By using portfolios, we are able to model one of the most vital and enduring functions of scientists in all disciplines- recording information, figures and data. The portfolios of many famous scientists, such as Edison and Einstein, have become an important asset to the field of science! A science portfolio is a student thinking tool. It is a place where you will take notes, reflect on what you have learned and a way to keep your work together for science class.
Why are we using a Science Portfolio? Enhances students’ writing skills; giving time to practice organizing material and expressing themselves clearly Assess the growth in students’ understanding of science as well as their ability to summarize and express thoughts and feelings Improves critical thinking skills Encourages creativity Record and reflect on data Study for tests and quizzes Communicate with others
Portfolio Setup: Step 1 My Name My Grade On the cover of your portfolio using the label, please write: Your Name Ms. Bruscino Period ____ Room 301 Harrison Group
Portfolio Setup: Step 2 Please place the documents below in the following order before your first binder divider. Cover Page Science Policies and Procedures Sheet Grade Tracking Sheet Homework & Notebook Rubrics
Science Portfolio Setup: Step 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 34 At the top of pages 1-6 write Table of Contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 56
Table of Contents
S CIENCE P ORTFOLIO S ETUP : S TEP 4 Please label your tabs as followed: Tab 1: Science Starters Tab 2: Notes Tab 3: Class Activities Tab 4: Homework Tab 5: Exit Slips