1 Pearson Kentucky Program Team January Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress K-PREP PearsonAccess DAC Training
PearsonAccess Overview 2 Getting Started Navigation Page Organizations Test Setup Additional Orders Test Results
The PearsonAccess Advantage PearsonAccess will be used to: View student enrollment counts for K-PREP* Choose date K-PREP test materials arrive in districts Order accommodated testing materials (Braille, Large-Print, Audio and Text Reader (PC and/or Mac)** Order additional materials if the district has a shortage Update district and school profiles 3 * NOTE: Districts will be able to view the participation counts for testing materials at each school by grade, but will NOT be able to edit these number counts. * NOTE: Districts will be able to view the participation counts for testing materials at each school by grade, but will NOT be able to edit these number counts. ** NOTE: Students with a Text Reader accommodation will access their test via the Lexiflow viewer through a secure browser with a unique student ID and password.
Getting Started 4 PearsonAccess Training
Getting Started On PearsonAccess 5 Logging Into PearsonAccess: Go to: This will take you to the Kentucky Homepage: All DACs should have a User ID and password; if not please contact KDE. Once KDE informs Pearson of a DAC update an account will be created and an auto will be sent from If a new DAC did not receive this E- mail please contact the Pearson Customer Service Center at or
Home Tab PearsonAccess Kentucky Homepage: Home Tab 6 Home Tab Log-in Button Contact Information: Pearson & KDE
7 Support Tab PearsonAccess Kentucky Homepage: Support Tab Top Resources Key FAQs FAQ Categories Resource Categories
8 How To Log Into PearsonAccess Step 1:Begin on the PA Landing Page: Step 2:Click on the “Log into PearsonAccess” button: Step 3:Enter your User ID and Password: Note: Unlock User, Reset password, Forgot your User ID and help links Step 4: Click on the “Login” button: Note: Account will be locked after 5 unsuccessful log-in attempts, 30 minutes of inactivity will automatically log users out.
Unlock User 1.To request to unlock account and reset your password, enter your User ID and Address, and then click Unlock user. 2.You will receive an from containing instructions and a link to a screen for resetting your password. 9
10 Reset Your Password 1.On the Login screen, click the Reset your password link to go to the Reset your password. 2.Enter your User ID and address and click Reset Password button. 3.If both the User ID and address entered exactly match your user account information, you will be sent an with instructions for resetting your password. 4.Follow the instructions and password requirements to reset your password and then log in. Note: Passwords must be 8-32 characters in length and must not include the following special characters, carat [^], ampersand [&], asterisk [*], and begin paren [(].
11 Retrieving Your User ID 1.On the Login screen, click the Forgot your User ID link to go to the Forgot your User ID screen. 2.Enter your address, and then click: User ID. 3.You will receive an from with your User ID.
Need Help Signing In? 1.On the Login screen, click the “Need help signing in?” link to go to the Need help signing in screen. This will take you to the support tab on PearsonAccess. 2.If you are a BAC, contact the DAC as they created your account If you are the DAC, contact Pearson for help. 12
Navigation Page 13 PearsonAccess Training
14 PearsonAccess Navigation Page: Things To Note Personalized Welcome Message Administrative Links Current Organization: State, District or School Level (in this example: Jefferson County)
15 PearsonAccess Navigation Page: Things To Note (cont.) PearsonAccess Navigation Tab Content PearsonAccess Navigation Tabs
Organizations 16 PearsonAccess Training
17 Organizations An organization is an entity in the organizational hierarchy, such as a district or school. For example, District 3 and Columbus High School each are an organization. An organization must "exist" in the system before that organization can participate in testing or test-related activities, such as ordering materials. To update an organization or the organization hierarchy in the system, click View Organizations.
18 View Organizations Click on an organization name to view more details about the organization. If you have access to more than one type of organization, select the organization type in the View By field.
Test Setup 19 PearsonAccess Training
20 Test Setup Under the title of some pages you will see the name of the test administration you are viewing. Click Change To view data from a different test administration, click: Change Test Setup activities help you to prepare for paper testing. To provide administration details, click: Enter Administration Details To order additional paper testing materials (after the initial order) or to track orders and view shipment information, click: Order Additional Materials and Tracking (Note: This can be performed only during the timeframe listed in the Dates column.) To enter accommodated materials counts or view student participation counts, click: Manage Participation Counts
21 Enter Administration Details This section shows material receiving, pickup information and starting/ending dates for test administration activities. DAC must choose a shipping date option. Note the shipping windows. To let the program team know when your materials will be scheduled for delivery click the Edit button and select a date. Choose one of the dates below for shipping of test materials.
22 Order Additional Materials And Tracking Order Additional Materials and Tracking You use Order Additional Materials and Tracking to order additional paper materials (short shipments, etc.), check on the status of existing orders, and track order shipments. To view order details, click on the order name. To see the status of materials shipped back to Pearson, select View By: Shipments to Pearson. Click on the Tracking Number to view the shipper’s tracking screen. To approve an order, select the check box next to the order name, then click Approve. To delete an order, select the check box next to the order name, then click Delete. To view reports, click on Reports, then select the report to view. Step-by-step instructions are located in the PearsonAccess Users Guide.
23 Manage Participation Counts Participation counts refer to the number of students that will be taking a test. Participation counts are the main method for districts to view regular test materials for paper testing, such as test booklets and student response booklets. The regular counts are not editable. The only test materials that can be ordered are the accommodated test materials such as Braille, Large-Print, Text Reader and Audio. As long as the Participation Window for entering accommodations is still open Accommodation counts can be updated, even if the status indicates “complete”. Accommodation counts are not considered final until the closing day of the Participation Window is reached. Accommodated counts can be changed, regardless of the status shown on the screen. Only after the window closes is an order for materials finalized and shipped, based on the participation counts as of the closing date. (See the Test Setup Overview screen for window opening and closing dates.)
24 Participation Counts (cont’d) If you see any discrepancies in participation counts, please contact KDE at: If participation count discrepancies are greater than 15-20%, please contact KDE at:
Additional Orders 25 PearsonAccess Training
26 Ordering Additional Materials And Tracking You use Order Additional Materials and Tracking to order additional materials (short shipments, missing materials, etc.). You can also check on the status of existing orders and track order shipments. The main method for ordering materials is to provide student enrollment counts via the KDE Student Information System. Use the Additional Order function only if you need more materials than originally ordered.
27 Ordering Additional Materials Ordering additional materials Go to Test Setup > Order Additional Materials and Tracking. Click the Order Additional Materials button ( ) go to the Order Additional Materials screen. Use this screen to confirm your shipping information Click Next button when done. Note: Additional orders must be submitted AND approved by the Kentucky Program Team before 1:30 ET to be considered same-day business.
Materials Ordering Screen 28
Test Results 29 PearsonAccess Training
30 Test Results Published Reports Published reports are pre-generated reports and data extracts. To view a published report Go to Test Results > View Published Reports to see a list of available reports. Select “District” or “School” from the View By options set. Click the organization name to see a list of reports for that organization. Click the Report Name to view or print the report.
Kentucky Program Team Pearson State Services Help T: F: Hours: 7am – 8:30pm EST 31
Questions? 32