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1. Philology is the A. Study of bones B. Study of muscles C. Study of architecture D. Science of languages
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘Science of languages’
2. Satellite launching station is located at A. Sriharikotta (Andhra Pradesh) B. Solapur (Maharashtra) C. Salem (Tamil Nadu) D. Bengaluru (Karnataka)
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘Sriharikotta (Andhra Pradesh)’
3. Riddle! Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys it, has no use for it. Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
The answer is ‘A Coffin’
4. Who was known as Iron man of India? A. Bhagath Singh B. Jawaharlal Nehru C. Subhash Chandra Bose D. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘ Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’
5. The great Victoria Desert is located in A. Canada B. West Africa C. Australia D. North America
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘Australia’
6. Riddle! What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
The answer is ‘A Palm’
7. Who is the first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize? A. C. V. Raman B. M.K. Gandhi C. Rabindranath Tagore D. Mother Teresa
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘Rabindranath Tagore’
8. The inhabitants of the island were barbarians. Give the antonym A. Civilized B. Cruel C. Uncivilized D. Bad
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘Civilized’
9. Riddle! What can you catch but not throw?
The answer is ‘Cold’
10. ‘To end in smoke’ What does this idiomatic phrase mean? A. To make completely understand B. To ruin oneself C. To excite great applause D. To overcome someone
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘To ruin oneself’
11. Analogy - ‘light : blind :: _____’ A. Speech : dumb B. Language : deaf C. Tongue : sound D. Voice : vibration
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘speech : dumb’
12. Logical Aptitude Can you make 10 plus 4 = 2 ?
The answer is ‘10 o'clock + 4 hours = 2 o'clock’
13. Logical aptitude
The correct answer is ‘5:19’ Starting with the watch on the left, add 42 minutes to the time shown to give the time on the next watch to the right.
14. Reasoning Once while in his court, King Akbar asked Birbal to write something on a wall that makes one sad when read in good times and makes one happy when read in sad times. He took only a few moments and wrote something that fit the requirements. What did he write?
He wrote: ‘The time will pass soon.’ If you read this line in happy times, you will be sad because you would want the happy time to last forever. If you read it in sad times, you will feel happy, as you will feel optimistic about the future.
15. Guess the Logo
The answer is ‘Starbucks’
16. Riddle! There are three houses one is red one is blue band one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the middle and the blue house is to the right to the house in the middle where is the white house?
The answer is ‘in Washington DC’
17. Guess the personality
The answer is ‘Azim Premji’
18. One sentence One Word A metal musical instrument that you play by blowing into it _ _ U _ _ _ _
The answer is ‘Trumpet’
19. Complete the pattern A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ‘2’
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