Medicines Transparency Alliance31/01/ MeTA Uganda Jacqueline Idusso Secretariat Coordinator
Medicines Transparency Alliance31/01/20162 Multi-stakeholder process Milestones: Multi-stakeholder collaboration: first time in the pharmaceutical sector Capacity building and formation of an umbrella organization for CSOs Participation of private sector and CSOs in the development of the NPSSP II Amendment of the counterfeit goods bill: a CSO-led process in which NDA and private sector were invited Input of MeTA Council was crucial to success of the “STOP STOCK OUT” campaign
Medicines Transparency Alliance Major achievements and successes NDA database of registered drugs is now searchable online Improved intra-government efficiency as NDA verification information will be available to MoH Improved access to information by the private sector e.g. MoH procurement plan, medicines price monitor Increased public debate and reporting on medicines- related issues such as stock outs Resolutions from the forum on NMS/JMS/NDA improving efficiencies re sharing information on quality assurance data 31/01/20163
Medicines Transparency Alliance Overall challenges Slow start Variable participation in the process (competing priorities, no direct incentives) High member expectations of funding esp. CSOs Disclosure is still a challenge, still in the process of making an inventory, modalities unclear Insufficient visibility for MeTA (esp. in MoH structures) Dissemination of available information from stakeholders is still not effective 31/01/20164
Medicines Transparency Alliance Overall challenges 2 The need for “Patience” in working as a multi- sector team! Acceptance that the different sectors work in different ways, e.g. Private sector appears to have more sense of urgency - deadline driven! Involve the “full” private sector in the discussions and get commitment for actions 31/01/20165
Medicines Transparency Alliance Lessons Learned It takes time for such initiatives to take off: pilot phase too short to expect meaningful results The disclosure survey unleashed gaps in pharmaceutical sector which MeTA is working to prioritize Better planning needful at onset of initiative to prevent delays in take off, ownership of activities. 31/01/20166
Medicines Transparency Alliance31/01/20167 WHAT NEXT?
Medicines Transparency Alliance31/01/20168 Thank you Jacqueline Idusso Mobile number: Skype: metauganda Website: