What is PEPFAR? Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief PEPFAR announced in January 2003 Provides $15 billion to 15 countries Seeks to building upon Uganda’s success
Principles Support Ugandan-led, multisectoral response Strengthen family and community response Support decentralised programs through broad national reach and work with a host of partners Support strengthened and sustainable service delivery systems and increased capacity of local partners Focus on outcomes in treatment, prevention and care
PEPFAR Goals Focus on treatment, prevention and care –2 million treated (ARVs) –7 million infections averted –10 million people including orphans –receiving care
Uganda 5 Year Targets –60,000 people accessing ARV therapy –300,000 receiving Care and Support –165,000 Infections Averted
Mandated Elements Consult and coordinate with host government, civil society and development partners Ensure consistency with national strategies and guidelines Work with a broad array of partners Seek out new partnerships
Timeline Different “Tracks” for 2004 PEPFAR Track 1.0 (Jan-Dec 04) –Rapid delivery of funds –Focus on five key areas –Uganda to receive funds in four areas: Orphans and Vulnerable Children, ARV program, Blood Safety and Medical Injection Safety PEPFAR Track 1.5 (Jan-Dec 04) Focused on expanding existing programs for high impact at reasonable/low risk –Funds are already committed to on-going programs
Timeline, cont’d Track 2.0 for remainder of FY04 funding Last stages of preparation Focus on both existing and new programs Submission due March 31st Annual Plan for 2005 and 5 year strategy due September 2004
Faith Based Organizations Primary Partners in prevention, care and treatment Provide opportunities for rapid expansion Extensive experience in prevention, care and mitigation programs
Existing Partnerships Track 1.0 –CRS to provide treatment Track 1.5 –Support to IRCU (Capacity building, OVC) –FBO support through AIM, UPHOLD & CRD Track 2.0 –Support to IRCU for care and support –FBO support through AIM, UPHOLD & CRD
Issues Enhanced coordination and Networking Capacity building Readiness to rapidly expand services Demonstrating Impact