Research Cooperation Sida 2013
What we support
To reach the objectives within Research Cooperation Sida is supporting: Long term bilateral cooperation International and regional institutions for research Swedish researchers in all scientific areas
Research Cooperation MSEK 489 MSEK Research in Developing Countries Bilateral/Regional Cooperation 425 MSEK International Research 105 MSEK Swedish Development Research 1086 MSEK – approximate 150 MUSD (equivalent in 2012) 1086 MSEK – Approximate 150 M USD
In the following thematic areas: Natural Sciences and Technology Social Sciences Health Sciences
Natural Sciences and Technology International Foundation for Science (IFS) Unesco Geoscience Splash - SDC Africalics Globelics Unesco Innovation Academy of Science for the Developing World (TWAS) Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) International Council for Science (ICSU)
Natural Sciences and Technology Kungliga vetenskapsakademin/Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Science (KVA/SSEESS) International Science Programme (ISP) Consultative Group of International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Formas samutlysning Nätverk SanWatPUA Agri4D
Bilateral Cooperation in 7 countries Ethiopia 35 msek Bolivia 23 msek Tanzania 56 msek Uganda 31 msek Burkina Faso Rwanda 26 msek Mozambiqe 59 msek
Support Regional Cooperation 3 in Research Policy and Research Management 7 in Environment and Natural Resources 1 in Research for Health 9 in Social Sciences
Support to Global Organisations 4 Natural Sciences and Technology 2 Research Policy and Research Management 4 Environment and Natural Resources 2 Research and Communication 8 Research for Health 3 Social Sciences 3 Innovation
The overall objective of the Policy and Strategy for Research Cooperation To strengthen and improve research of relevance to the fight against poverty in developing countries
Support to Innovation Systems within Sida Research Cooperation FORSK
On ”Inclusive Innovation” how do we translate this term in our work
Sida’s Research support considers “Inclusive Innovation” aspects, those which overall aim and focus on: Reducing poverty and achieving the MDGs and which are in line with the Sida Research Policy and Strategy Hence - programs that aim to improve quality of life in ways such as by aiming to improve access to health, access to clean water, access to affordable energy, emphasizes on the use of modern biosciences to improve crop productivity, increase the efficiency of the agro-processing industries, etc.
Some key aspects and questions we ask ourselves – How can we improve our support in this area What is the role of Research Capacity – what should be supported, at what stages Gender Inclusivenes, balance, dimensions
Thank you!