Organization at School and Home Spring Semester: Week 2
Monday, January 13 th Today’s Agenda: Did you know? Americans waste 9million hours a day searching for misplaced items. –American Demographics Society Binder/Backpack Clean Out and Check! Plan ahead for the week—Agendas Don’t forget your goals—remember what you are working towards! Have a great Monday!
Tuesday, January 14th Today’s Agenda: Clear your desk of everything except a pen or pencil Profile of an Organized Student Activity Homework Folder and Agenda Check Homework and Study Time
Characteristics of an Unorganized Student
Characteristics of an Organized Student
My Characteristics Name 5 characteristics about yourself—organized and/or unorganized characteristics! (5 things) How can we make ourselves more organized students? (2 things)
Wednesday, January 15th Today’s Agenda: Please clear your desk of everything except a pen or a pencil. Efficient Desk at Home and School Activity Homework Folder and Agenda Check Homework and Study Time
Efficient Desks What are the benefits of having an efficient desk? Easier to pay attention during class Less distractions Papers can easily be found to file and study Materials are easy to find and there is room to work Disorganization leads to distractions, lack of concentration, and waste of time! You need to be organized in order to have the best academic results!
Is this desk organized??
Thursday, January 16 th Today’s Agenda: Preparing to study at home activity Homework folder and agenda checks Homework and study time HOMEWORK: If you can, take a picture of your stud space at home. Tomorrow we will look at our different study spaces and discuss ways to make them better!
Friday, January 17 th Today’s Agenda: Discussion of pictures of our personal Study Spaces at home. Homework Folder and Agenda Check Homework and study time Have a wonderful weekend!
Yes, Miss Haines studies too…