1 Statistical Strategic Planning (Indonesian Experiences) 1 1.BPS Strategic Planning (Renstra) is a mandatory by President Statute no. 7/2005 on National Medium Term Development Planning (NMTDP) 2.Activities defined in Renstra are derived by mapping NMTDP agenda into statistical activities. 3.Renstra is intended to produce statistics and indicators used for planning, monitoring and evaluating development programs, including MDGs indicators 4.As a Vertical Institution, BPS Regional offices are also expected to produce statistics and indicators to evaluate and monitor government achievements at province and regency/ city level (the achievements of MDGs)
2 Ways of User-Producer Dialogue 2 1.BPS conducts intensive meeting with users (line ministries and private) before conducting a national census/ survey 2.Type of data needs are also got from users by distributing user-need questionnaire 3.Requests of data through web, , or other media are also used to identify the data need of the user (BPS uses multi media) 4.Data needs are also defined by conducting seminars/ workshops
3 Problems in getting data needs from users 1. There is gap among users, some are very intensive users such as Planning Board and Ministry of Education, but some are very less intensive data users 2. Many local governments pay less attention on the importance of statistics 3. Many times the statistics needed by users could not be provided due to budget limitation 4. The timeliness of the data is very important for users, while BPS could not provide all data as user wish
4 How we handle the problems (1) 1.Intensifying the statistical socialization, so people aware of the importance of statistics. Many local parliaments now define statistical indicators to monitor whether a head of local government is well performed or not. 2.BPS has conducted trainings of statistical capacity building (SCB) up to now to some local governments with the assistance of the World Bank (Paris21). 3.BPS conducts user-producer meetings to synergize/ optimize the user-producer data needs.
5 How we handle the problems (2) 4.BPS could not handle statistics needs by itself, but should motivate institution responsible for sectoral statistics and special statistics to participate as required by law 16/ As a national coordinator for national data statistics, BPS has to formulae all the sectoral and special statistics to become more important and integrated data statistics in the statistical clearing house for national strategic planning (Renstra).