Animal and Plant Cells and organelles
road system
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) It is a network of membranes throughout the cytoplasm of the cell. There are two types. This compares to highway or road systems.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) When ribosomes are attached it is called rough ER and smooth ER when there are no ribosomes attached. Smooth ER is also in the detoxification of harmful substances in the cell.
Mitochondria This is the cell’s powerhouse. This organelle packages the energy of the food into ATP molecules. This is comparable to an energy plant like Georgia Power.
Mitochondria There are more mitochondria in cells that have to perform lots of work, for example- your leg muscle cells, heart muscle cells etc. Other cells need less energy to do their work and have less mitochondria.
waste disposal
Lysosomes an organelle filled with enzymes that can digest organic compounds This compares to waste disposal or recycling centers.
Lysosomes These are created by the Golgi apparatus, these help break down large molecules into smaller pieces that the cell can use.
lawns and air
Cytoplasm This surrounds the organelles inside a cell. It contains mostly water. Air and lawns would be similar to this in a city.
UPS or Post Office
Golgi bodies/apparatus/complex a system of membranes which changes, supports, and packages the proteins to be stored in the cell or secreted out of the cell This equates to the Post Office or UPS or FedEx. This organelle was named after an Italian physician-Camillo Golgi. He was the first person to describe this organelle in the cell. It is also the only organelle that is capitalized.
Golgi bodies/apparatus/complex It is an organelle in the cell that is responsible for sorting and correctly shipping the proteins produced in the ER. Just like our postal packages which should have a correct shipping address, the proteins produced in the ER, should be correctly sent to their respective address. In the cell, shipping and sorting done by the Golgi complex. It is a very important step in protein synthesis. If the Golgi complex makes a mistake in shipping the proteins to the right address, certain functions in the cell may stop.
Endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondria Golgi bodies Cytoplasm Lysosome ribosomes Cell Membrane Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi bodies Mitochondria Cytoplasm Lysosomes ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum
solar panels
Chloroplast This is the cell organelle in which photosynthesis takes place. In this organelle the light energy of the sun is converted into chemical energy. They are found only in plant cells not animal cells. This would be equivalent to a solar energy plant.
Chloroplast The chemical energy that is produced by chloroplasts is finally used to make carbohydrates like starch, that get stored in the plant.
Plant Cell Chloroplast
water tower
Vacuole a saclike structure that stores water or wastes Water towers would be the same type of thing.
Vacuole Plant cells have what looks like a very large empty space in the middle. This space is called the vacuole. Don't be fooled, the vacuole contains large amounts of water and stores other important materials such as sugars, ions and pigments.
blue prints
DNA The DNA of all cells is made up of chromosomes. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) This contains all the information for cells to live, perform their functions and reproduce. Blueprints of the city would be similar to DNA.
blue prints
chromosomes These are structures in the nucleus made of DNA. They would be similar to rolled up blueprints.
DNA is made up of genes. chromosomes are make up of DNA
Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi bodies Mitochondria Cytoplasm Nucleus Lysosomes ribosomes DNA and chromosomes Nuclear Membrane Cell Membrane
Home Depot lumber yard
ribosomes These are organelles that produce proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of cells. A lumber or brick yard like Home Depot or Lowe’s is the equivalent.
ribosomes When ribosomes are attached it is called rough ER and smooth ER when there are no ribosomes attached. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is where most protein synthesis occurs in the cell. Proteins are the building blocks of cells. A lumber or brick yard like Home Depot or Lowe’s is the equivalent.
City Hall
Nucleus This is the control center of the cell. It is the largest organelle in the cell and it contains the DNA of the cell. This is like City Hall.
Nucleus Usually the easiest organelle to see under a microscope Cells with a nucleus (plant cells and animal cells) are called eukaryotic and those without a nucleus (bacteria) are called prokaryotic.
security guards at City Hall fence
Nuclear Membrane The circles on the surface of the nucleus are the nuclear pores. These are where ribosomes, and other materials move in and out of the nucleus. This is like the City Hall fence with a security guard monitoring who can go in and come out.
Mitochondria Cytoplasm Nucleus DNA and chromosomes Nuclear Membrane Cell Membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondria Golgi bodies Cytoplasm Nucleus Vacuole Lysosome ribosomes DNA and chromosomes Nuclear Membrane Cell Membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi bodies Mitochondria Cytoplasm Nucleus Vacuole Lysosome ribosomes DNA and chromosomes Nuclear Membrane Cell Membrane
city wall
cell wall In addition to cell membranes, plants have cell ______. They provide protection and support for plants. This is the city wall or border of protection.
cell wall Unlike cell membranes, materials cannot get through cell walls. This would be a problem for plant cells if not for special openings called plasmodesmata.
cell wall These openings are used to transport materials between plant cells because the cell membranes are able touch and therefore exchange needed materials.
Mitochondria Cytoplasm Nucleus DNA and chromosomes Nuclear Membrane Cell Membrane Cell Wall
security guards at city wall
Cell Membrane This controls what goes into and out of a cell. This would be like having security guards at the city limits to determine who can come into and leave the city.
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
Plant Cell