Stigma in the Workplace Part I Stigma in the Workplace Part I
Mission: Great Work: (1) Making the business case for hiring people with behavioral health challenges. (2) Aiding job seekers with behavioral health challenges return to work. (3) Eliminate Stigma in the workplace.
Disclaimer/Disclosure “The views, opinions, and content expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official position of DSHS, SAMHSA or HHS. NO official support of or endorsement by SAMHSA or HHS for these opinions or for the instruments or resources described are intended or should be inferred. ”
Definition: Stigma: a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person: "the stigma of mental disorder" synonyms: shame · disgrace · dishonor · ignominy · humiliation · (bad) reputationshamedisgracedishonor ignominyhumiliation Source: Oxford Dictionary
The Way It Is “The more intangible or hidden the disorder, the more society believes the individual should be able to control it & the greater the negative impact of not being able to do so.”
Hey! It’s Almost 2016… this can’t still be a problem? Right? 2014 Survey of people with a mental health diagnosis: 90% had experienced some form of public stigma 65% had experienced it on the job or with friends 57% with family members 38% in a dating situation
Four Components of Stigma Labeling people with a condition/disorder Stereotyping people with that condition/disorder Creating a division – “Us” vs, “Them” Discrimination based on the label
Stigma Comes in 2 Flavors… Public stigma Stereotype Negative belief about a group (e.g., dangerousness, incompetence, character weakness) Prejudice Agreement with belief and/or negative emotional reaction (e.g., anger, fear) Discrimination Behavior response to prejudice (e.g., avoidance, withhold employment and housing opportunities, withhold help)
Self-stigma Stereotype Negative belief about the self (e.g., character weakness, incompetence) PrejudiceAgreement with belief, negative emotional reaction (e.g., low self- esteem, low self-efficacy) DiscriminationBehavior response to prejudice (e.g., fails to pursue work and housing opportunities)
And Why Shouldn’t They? History Media Pop Culture
The Real Problem Only 33% of the people who need help will get it, because of the social stigma, the fear of repercussions at work and the lack of quality, affordable accessible care.
A Little Personal Perspective…
There IS Hope… As civic leaders and large purchasers of healthcare, the CEO’s of employers of choice are in a unique position to drive change for employees and their families by identifying and filling unmet employee needs related to mental health and wellness. #IWILLLISTEN
In Conclusion…