All About Me Mrs. Kathy Stewart
Educational Background BS degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from the College of Charleston BS degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from the College of Charleston Masters degree in Elementary Education from the University of Charleston Masters degree in Elementary Education from the University of Charleston Highly Qualified to teach in the areas of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Highly Qualified to teach in the areas of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Seven years teaching experience at the Elementary School level Seven years teaching experience at the Elementary School level
Contact Information Address is Address is net net School contact no. is: (voice mail option) School contact no. is: (voice mail option)
Subjects I Teach Language Arts which includes: Reading, Writing, and Language Social Studies: a comprehensive look at Early American History
Grading Policies A A B B C C D D 69-0 F 69-0 F Major Tests and Projects are counted twice in the grade book! Major Tests and Projects are counted twice in the grade book!