‘What Dynamic Governance Looks Like’ Governors’ Conference 2014
Welcome & Housekeeping
Roger Gough KCC Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform
Role of Local Authority Michael Gove highlighted 3 key roles for local councils: 1.‘holding the ring’ on admissions and exclusions. 2.being consistent local champions for social justice 3.taking ownership of school improvement across your local areas
Commissioning of school places Kent has experienced a 25% increase in births over the past decade, plus inward migration. There are over 70 schools where there is a requirement for increased school provision due to an increase in the number of children entering primary school sector. Kent had 19 successful bids under the Targeted Basic Need grant (7 primary expansions, 5 new primaries, 7 special school expansions/ relocations) Under the Basic Need capital grant allocation, Kent has 3 phases running until 2015/16. Phase 1 – 35 expansions; Phase 2 – 30 expansions; Phase 3 – 6 expansions, 2 expansion/ relocations, 6 new schools. We will also be working on/ expanding 10 Special Schools
Vulnerable Learners Kent is launching its new Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy, in line with the new Children and Families Act and SEN Code of Practice. We will offer continuous provision from birth to 25 years All schools will need to update their SEN policy and practices.
School Improvement 75% Good or Outstanding - sharp increase in last 2 years Schools in Category slower to reduce Changing role of School Improvement The importance of Collaboratives
1 st April - New directorate structure Education and Young People Services Preventative Services Youth Services Children’s Centres Early Intervention Inclusion & Attendance Adolescent Services & Social Work Inclusion & Attendance Commissioned Services Planning and Access School Place Planning Fair Access Special Educational Needs Educational Psychology Quality and Standards Early Years & Safeguarding School Standards & Improvement Skills & Employability Inclusion
KEYNOTE Governance Making an Impact Michele Amos Consultant; Newport Educational Governance Making an Impact Michele Amos Consultant; Newport Educational
Simon Webb Primary Principal Adviser, Education and Young People’s Services The Importance of School to School Collaboration and its Impact on Progress
Dynamic Governance What am I going to do differently?