ANIMAL OUTREACH: On January 23, we will volunteer at the dog show and help out during the event. On January 24, we will hang out with cats and do anything they need at the Thundering Paws Animal Sanctuary.
COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION: On January 11, afterschool in the C200 NHS Storage Room, we will be collecting and sorting terracycling* We prefer that members who brought terracycling come to sort. On January 21, before school in the C200 NHS Storage Room, we will be packing all of the terracycling and sending it to the facility.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: We will be at the Crisis Ministries (107 RR 620 South) every Wednesday after school to bag groceries and help clients carry groceries.
EXTRA CURRICULAR APPRECIATION: On January 6 and 7, at 7:00 PM at the Annex Recital Hall, we will watch Advanced Theatre Class Performances -- take a selfie at the performance and send it to a committee chair (Whitney Souery ). On January 29, at 7 PM in the round gym, watch the game and then take a picture with a member of the team once the game is over and send it to Caroline Storm On January 13, before & after school in the C200 NHS Storage Room, we will have poster making! Time to take old posters down and make new ones!
FACULTY APPRECIATION: On January 15, we will be hosting a teacher’s breakfast before school in the A100 teachers’ lounge.
INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH: On January 16, in front of the PAC, we will help with the Refugee Services of Austin apartment setup.
KIDS: Tuesdays from 4:00-5:00 P.M., we will be at Hudson Bend Middle School to help tutor middle schoolers.
SENIOR CITIZENS: Starting January 9, every Saturday from 2-4, we will visit and make cards with the elderly at Park Manor.
SOCIAL OUTREACH: Cav Time Social- Once every 2 weeks in the Life Skills room to socialize with special needs students.
TUTORING: On January 15, we will meet in the storage room C200 hall to work on ad campaign/ posters. On Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00, we will tutor middle schoolers at LTMS.
WELLNESS OUTREACH: On Sunday, January 24, we will be at the 3M Half Marathon.
MISCELLANEOUS: To receive text alerts, send to “23559” Join “Lake Travis National Honor Society” on Facebook on Instagram on Twitter Send pictures from volunteer events to our Historian Katelyn ( ) Bring 2 gallon bags of terra cycling for 30 min: 1-gallon bag for 15 min
WHAT CAN WE TERRACYCLE? YESNO Drink Pouches (like capri suns) Zip Lock Bags Energy Bar WrappersChip Bags Lunch Kits (lunchable trays)Cardboard Solo Cups Old Cell Phones Printer Cartridges Personal Care Products (shampoo and makeup bottles) Go-Squeeze Pouches