The California Ocean Science Trust’s Process for Developing the Oil and Gas Report Diana Pietri OPC Santa Barbara Meeting June 25, 2010
OST’s Process and Role
The Ocean Science Trust’s Role Request from Natural Resources Agency to coordinate and manage study outlined in Request for Proposals OST’s mission to support ocean and coastal management decisions with the best available science. OST’s goal was to promote an unbiased and credible study that was based on the best available science, incorporated a broad range of expertise, and could be effectively translated to management actions.
Study Process Peer review, extensive revision, and release of Request for Proposals Selection/management of project team Coordination of public briefings Formation/coordination of Expert Advisory Committee
The Expert Advisory Committee (EAC) Essential for study process to incorporate broad range of expertise EAC convened through an open, public nomination process Selection criteria based on expertise Nominees vetted by recognized experts
EAC Members Dr. Todd Anderson, San Diego State University Mr. Doug Anthony, Energy Division of Santa Barbara County Dr. Ann Bull, Minerals Management Service Dr. Robert Byrd, Proserv Decommissioning Contractors & Engineers, Inc. Dr. Elizabeth Chornesky, Freelance Analyst Ms. Alison Dettmer, California Coastal Commission Dr. Linda Fernandez, University of California, Riverside Mr. Gregg Gitschlag, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service Mr. Dominic Gregorio, State Water Resources Control Board Mr. Sean Hecht, University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Sonke Mastrup, California Department of Fish and Game Dr. Michael McGinnis, University of California, Santa Barbara Mr. Mark Meier, California State Lands Commission Dr. Mark Page, University of California, Santa Barbara Dr. Arthur Winer, University of California, Los Angeles
Panel Overview
Part 1: Key Findings of the Report – Project Approach and Key Findings Brock Bernstein, Project Lead, Independent Consultant – Decommissioning Options and Technical Requirements Andy Bressler, formerly of Texaco’s California Business Unit – Platforms and Marine Resources Dan Pondella, Occidental College
Panel Overview Part 2: Perspectives on Platform Decommissioning – Linda Krop, Environmental Defense Center – Garry Brown, Orange County Coastkeepers – Doug Anthony, Energy Division of Santa Barbara County Discussants: – Alison Dettmer, California Coastal Commission – Cy Oggins, State Lands Commission