Common Language-Related Difficulties of School Learners
LANGUAGE DIFFICULTIES immediate & long-term adverse effects learners’ academic achievement psychosocial well-being
spelling reading oral language composition reading comprehension verbal-analytical day-to-day lessons transactions/interactions with others
Factors that cause/lead to language difficulties
reading disabilities problems of articulation hearing delays (e.g., deafness) A. Genetic Factors B. Neurological Factors due to brain damage/injuries e.g., aphasia, cerebral palsy, deafness dysfunctions in sensory processing
poor quality of teaching lack of home support and supervision peer pressure & influences ill-effects of media and “gadget” technology (e.g., PSP, Wii, MP4) inadequate and low-quality learning resources lack of conducive learning environment social-emotional climate C. Environmental Factors
poor study habits and attitudes poor study skills: * does not complete/review notes * fails to outline lessons * does not organize his notebooks gets hyperactive & inattentive in class social-emotional and home-related problems D. Learner Factors
physical-physiological impairments visual and auditory impairments vocal-mechanism impairments: * cleft palate E. Impairments
Language-Related Difficulties of School Learners
Oral Expression ☞ difficulties in speech * articulatory defects * developmental apraxia ☞ pragmatics * functional language use initial verbal abilities of young children
☞ pragmatics * answering simple social questions * answering “Yes” / “No” * expressing needs * addressing familiar persons
☞ verbal-analytical skills * logical reasoning * making social judgments * telling cause-and-effect relationships * reporting incidents * story telling
Listening Comprehension Deficits in: ☞ aural receptivity & recognition ☞ auditory recall/memory ☞ auditory discrimination & association ☞ auditory sequencing
Listening Comprehension Examples are difficulties in: *remembering commands heard *sequencing number & word series heard *comprehending dictated sentences and short selections *summarizing instructions heard
Reading and Reading Comprehension Deficits in: ☞ letter recognition ☞ phonemic awareness/phonics ☞ phonemic reading & vocabulary delays including word definition
Reading comprehension lags: ☞ inability to understand sentences, paragraphs & selections/texts * note details * sequence events * get the main ideas * make inferences * interpret specific passages * define words as used in context
Spelling and Written Expression ☞ spelling errors ☞ delays in recognizing letters and numbers in print ☞ reversals
Lags in: * visual processing including orientation * directionality * spatial relations * motoral delays- poor paper-pencil outputs writing from copy & dictation * composition while observing: use of punctuations & upper cases, syntax, grammar, coherence, spelling, legibility of handwriting
☺ consult with teachers ☺ observe the learner ☺ fill up observation journals ☺ administer teacher-made diagnostic tests ☺ refer learner to appropriate specialists