Reflections from a Teacher Educator Benjamin Lignugaris/Kraft Utah State University.


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Presentation transcript:

Reflections from a Teacher Educator Benjamin Lignugaris/Kraft Utah State University

Thoughts (or musings) Special education teacher prep has evolved from “clinical preparation in residential facilities into an enterprise that now lacks clear conceptual boundaries.” Thus, there is a need to rehape our field and provide a clear “self definition that solidifies the professional status of teachers.”

Thoughts (or musings) “By 1993, almost every state had adopted inclusive policies (Webb, 1994), and both general and special education teachers began to adapt to changing expectations about their roles. Inclusion’s moral imperatives and the nagging problem of overrepresentation influenced conceptions of effective teaching and assumptions about teacher quality.” “RTI’s ultimate success hinges on ……..not who but “how instruction will be conceptualized at each tier.”

Thoughts (or musings) “Direct instruction and cognitive strategy instruction, routines known to be effective for special education students, cannot be applied universally across disciplines without careful consideration of how knowledge within a specific discipline will be acquired.“

Recommendations for Special Education Teacher Education Special education teachers should develop content expertise in reading, writing and math This knowledge base should be sufficient to teach content in elementary or middle schools with added value in intensive intervention and assessment. Teachers initial preparation should be focused at the elementary or secondary education level.

Recommendations for Special Education Teacher Education “Thus, we are recommending that special education teachers first receive preparation in general education and as classroom teachers; those who were so inclined would go on to receive preparation in special education that would build on this basic preparation.”

Recommendations - Point 1 Is it only special education teacher prep that needs to be fixed and not teacher education in general? Thus, why a linear framework for special education teacher preparation?

Recommendation – Point 2 Other than the need for understanding intensive interventions do schools with effective tiered instruction and positive intervention models play a significant role in the future of inclusive teacher preparation?

Recommendations – Point 3 While we certainly need to focus on preparation “quality,” we live in a market driven world. School districts want a “licensed” teacher in the classroom. That is the market place and that is the constituency to whom we must respond.

Modified Recommendations Special education teachers should develop content expertise in reading, writing and math along with their general education counterparts Special education teachers should have a knowledge base that is sufficient to teach content in elementary or middle schools with a primary focus on intensive intervention and assessment (Tier 2 and Tier 3)

Modified Recommendations cont.’ Initial preparation should be focused at the elementary or secondary level within schools that have a “cohesive RTI and positive behavior intervention model.”

Modified Recommendations cont’ Thus, we are recommending that special education teachers first develop content expertise along with their general education counterparts. Their pedagogical focus should be on designing intensive assessments and interventions (Tier 2 and 3) for students with disabilities and collaborating with classroom teachers. Finally, their initial preparation should occur within model schools and programs at the elementary or secondary level.

Policy Enablers Policy enabler 1: For one, the RTI movement and models of schoolwide positive behavior intervention must be supported by policy makers through legislation, policies, and public funding for implementation and teacher education. Policy enabler 2: Standards must be designed to ensure that general education teachers have the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in tier 1 and 2 instruction and that special education teachers have the knowledge and skills for tier 2 and 3 instruction.

System Enablers System enabler 1: Work closely with local schools to develop model schools with tiered school wide instruction and positive intervention systems; these systems qualify for inclusion in the teacher prep system when they can demonstrate the effectiveness of the tiered model they are implementing. System enabler 2: Establish partnerships with LEA’s and SEA’s and develop a variety of comprehensive teacher education models that have as their foundation these successful public school programs.