Office of Procurement Services
Vendor Application Website: View our open bids listing: Send us your W9 after registering Certificate of Insurance naming USI as additional insured needed if working on campus Please monitor our site and call 812/ to order a specific Request for Proposal (RFP) Package
P-cards: Departments use their department credit cards for purchases under $500. Purchase Orders: Departments must get a PO from Procurement before ordering any good or service over $500 in value.
Purchase Orders: Purchasing department sends authorized Purchase order to Vendor. PO should reference quote or service agreement or contract, personnel authorized to purchase and any other notations necessary to complete the order. Vendor sends invoice to Accounts Payable as request for payment. **Do not send invoice to department** *** Only Accounts Payable can process a payment***
Purchasing Supplies, Equipment or Services Up to $500 Purchases for items other than BuyUSI catalog suppliers and equipment that total less than $ should be purchased on credit card when possible. If a purchase order must be issued then submit a requisition to purchasing for processing.
$ $10,000 The effort required to confirm the competitive selection of products and/or sources frequently will exceed any attainable savings. Based on the buyer's knowledge of the product area and the nature of the item, these purchases warrant minimal attention and should be processed by exception. Groups of requisitions, although individually of low value, may be combined advantageously for competitive bidding.
$10,001 - $25,000 Competitive quotations are generally required. However, if a product or supplier has been determined reasonable and advantageous, by previous surveys of the market, the order process may be less stringent, yet should be supported by single source quotation, price book verification or verbal quotation. The order should be technically sound, complete and should contain a reference indicating the basis for the selection.
More than $25,000 Competitive quotations MANDATORY. If this option is neither feasible nor possible, discuss with the Director of Procurement and if agreed to, the explanation of the circumstance and justification should be included with the requisition as support documents. It will be generally permitted and sometimes required to purchase from a vendor which has negotiated a contract for its products with the state or federal government or the Educational and Institutional Cooperative Service. Unauthorized purchases that do not follow established policies/procedures may result in the university employee being financially responsible for payment to the vendor.
Guidelines for Administering Public Works Projects Definition: Projects for which contractual labor is used on site to construct, alter, repair or improve facilities owned or leased by the university. Projects Less than $150,000 Procedures will be the same as those for purchasing supplies and equipment.
Public Works Cont’d Purchasing Procedures for Public Works Less Than $150, A purchasing requisition will be submitted to the Procurement Department, along with all plans and specifications. 2. For projects estimated to cost less than $150,000 quotations will be invited from three or more contractors known to perform the work required.
3. A formal bid opening will not be held for these projects. Normal purchasing procedures and policies concerning the timely receipt of proposals will be followed. 4. A purchase order will be used as the "Notice of Award." Contract documents for each project will include the purchase order, the contractor's proposal, all relevant documents submitted with the contractor's proposal, and all documents specified to be furnished by either the university or the contractor. 5. The project manager and/or the Procurement Department will review and approve all submittal, as required. 6. A specific inspection procedure will be developed for each project. One or more individuals will be identified by name and title in the purchase order as the university's official inspector. Payments to contractors will not be made without the inspector's written approval.
▶ Purchasing Procedures for Public Works More Than $150, A purchasing requisition, all plans and specifications and an explanation of the scope of the work to be performed will be submitted to the Procurement Department. ▶ 2. A specification number will be assigned to the project. ▶ 3. A bid opening date will be determined. A room will be reserved for the formal bid opening. ▶ 4. The Procurement Department will prepare a notice to bidders which will include a brief description of the work to be done, the specification number and the date of the bid opening and any other requirements of the bidder. This notice will be placed as a legal advertisement in the Evansville Courier to run two times at least one week apart. The bid opening cannot be scheduled sooner than ten days after the last ad.
5. In accordance with Indiana code, each bidder shall be required to submit as part of the bid, a statement of experience. a proposed plan for performing the work, equipment available to perform the work, the bidder's financial status. The statement required shall be submitted on Form 96 approved by the State Board of Accounts. 6. A general instructions to bidders will be prepared and included in the bid documents. These instructions will outline the bidder's responsibilities in submitting a bid. The instructions will include, wages and salaries required to be paid by the successful bidder, qualifications of the bidder, insurance requirements, payment schedules, and final acceptance.
7. Awarding of the bid. A time will be set for the public bid opening. All bidders are entitled to attend. Bids received shall be opened publicly, and read aloud at the time and place designated for the receipt of the bids. Within 60 days, the bid shall be awarded to the successful bidder. If bonds have been sold, 150 days shall be allowed to award the bid. The university reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bidder may withdraw their bid if the time limits for awarding the bid are not met.
Emergency Exception When an emergency arises which could not reasonably be foreseen and health, welfare or safety requires immediate action and the project is estimated to be in excess of $25,000, the Procurement Department may contract for a project without advertising for bids if quotes are obtained from at least two (2) persons or firms known to deal in the work required to be done. Such action should be recorded with the Board of Trustees at its next meeting along with the names of the parties invited to quote on the project.
Minority Contractors To comply with provisions of IC , the Procurement Department has adopted the following statement "The University of Southern Indiana has established a goal for projects awarded under provisions of the Indiana Code pertaining to public works that 5% of all such contracts awarded be issued to minority business enterprises as defined in IC "
How our Process works: Department decides to order XYZ Department gets at least one quote to base req on Requisition submitted through BuyUSI Financial manager approves requisition and forwards req to Purchasing Purchasing seeks additional quotes for best price and quality as applicable Purchasing works with vendor for terms and conditiios, and any additional documents needed to process order. (i.e w9, cert of Insurance, tax exempt form) PO is sent to vendor Our office follows up with vendor to make sure order is received, terms are correct, etc. Vendor delivers item(s) requested Vendor submits invoice to Accounts Payable, including the PO # on the invoice. AP makes payment
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