Appium with Android Configuration
Download Appium server: Choose the latest version of appium ◦ For Mac: appium.dmg ◦ For Windows: Double-click the file to install
Download Stand-alone SDK Tools NOT Android Studio For Mac: ◦ install into /Library/Android For Windows: installer_rXX.X.X-windows.exe
Appium requires ANDROID_HOME to work with android SDK You MUST configure ANDROID_HOME environment variable and add it to your system Path.
vi ~/.bash_profile export ANDROID_HOME= export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools press 'i' on your keyboard to insert test while in vi
Go to Environment Variable Click 'New' to add a new variable ◦ name: ANDROID_HOME ◦ path: Locate existing Path variable Click Edit, and at the end add: ◦ %ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\plat form-tools; Save and close EVERYTHING
Open Android SDK Manager and install: Tools: ◦ Android SDK Tools ◦ Android SDK Platform-tools Latest Android SDK: ◦ SDK Platform ◦ Intel x86 Atom System Image Extras: ◦ Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM installer) (After downloading you must manually run the HAXM installer)
Open Android Virtual Device Manager and Create a new virtual device:
Select the desired virtual device image and click Start
Locate Appium app and double-click to open Click the android icon, then enter ◦ App Path ◦ Platform Name ◦ Device Name ◦ Automation Name Click Launch button
This will only work if ANDROID_PATH is configured, and has been added to system PATH! While Appium Server and Emulator running click the spy-glass icon ◦ This will install your test app unto the emulator ◦ Open the app ◦ Open element inspector