Design Review II – PRYMD STRIKES BACK Daw Kin Shwe Mano Iyer Jessica Flannery Whit Fowler Jeff Miller H2O
We Are PRYMD! Who is the Customer? What are her needs? BIG Idea (POV) Bottom-up Discovery-Driven Plan Identify Key Assumptions & Risks Our Prototypes
Mom, Is that YOU? Our Customer –Daw Kin Shwe – 62 years old 5 families living in one house 5 acres of land, all used to grow food (rice and basic vegetables) $500 annual income, all spent on food She would love to send the kids to school, but they are in debt and can barely afford to eat Representative of many other land owners who find themselves in a similar economic situation
Her Needs buys pump raise water to surface deliver water to crops grow crops make money provide for Family WHY? HOW? HOW ELSE?
Finding Focus: Moving Water Up –create suction –store it Treadle Pump Moneymaker Maung Dat Over –store water –move it to crops ~$4 but “big burden” OPPORTUNITY
Point Of View Increase Daw Kin Shwe’s profit by improving her ability to effectively deliver water from the ‘well head’ to the crops.
Bottoms Up! Potential value to Daw Kin Shwe of improved water delivery system –Financial Incentives % more crops per season –Potential of $50-$150 per annum 50% reduction in watering time –Potential of earning an additional $150 per annum in performing other activities »i.e. driving an ox cart, picking tamarind leaves (PUT PICTURE IN OF OX CART)
You know what happens when you ASSUME! Key Assumptions & Risks –More effective distribution of water is actually a limiting factor in how much money they can make –Normative cultural challenges of introducing new style distribution system can be overcome –Complexities in selling a system in which results come over time (e.g. growing crops versus immediate pumping of water with treadle pump) –Cost of system considering risk-adverse nature of customers
Enough talking, where’s the beef?! Prototypes address a variety of needs in the distribution hierarchy Our Prototypes –Not exactly for kids ‘Kiddie Pool’ –Bamboozled –The Wheelbarrow –The Telescope
Bamboozled by the kiddie pool!
A new kind of telescopic tool