Presentation How-To Guide What you will see on the following slides are the guidelines regarding your science fair power-point. This power-points serves as an example of what your power-point might look like
Notecards You may use notecards for your presentation Make sure you use one card for each slide of your presentation Do not read directly off your slides You should have short bullet points: NO PARAGRAPHS!!! Information for each part should all fit on one slide (the key is to simplify) All headings at top bolded and underlined
This is the title page By Ms Phillips Presentation guidelines
Introduction State what you are trying to do State how you are going to do it.
Purpose Write your purpose question here
Research Identify your variables Identify your controls
Hypothesis Write your hypothesis here
Procedure Explain the steps of your procedure (keep it simple, not detailed)
Data Insert your data table here Explain what data you collected Explain what patterns you see in it (increasing, decreasing, or staying the same)
Conclusion Explain how you arrived at your conclusion because of your data Quote your data to support your ideas
Finish Ask if there are any questions Answer any questions Thank them for their time