Meeting Friday 6/15/12
Recap of the Past Week’s Work Trouble shooting with transformations Discovery of bad sequencing in AIDA-1 Primer construction Order Gibson Plasmids Meeting with Janie and Dr. Litster Research on experiments to characterize constructs
Things to Discuss this Week Curli, Ag43, AIDA-1, FimA-H Transformation failures Primer designs for Gibson Assembly Organization of growing group Committees? Use of Wiki
Plan for the Next Week Trouble Shoot with transformations Continue transformations Set up controls and experimental plans to get data to optimize setup using JMP Read another paper?
Journal Review! Everyone read a paper on either syn bio or an area related to the project Wrote short summary to be uploaded to drop box Present that info now
Committees Experimental Design – Statistics/make product work Mrudula* Chris Arthi Modeling - JMP Max* Haefa Wiki (Notebook/Admin) Rachel* - collaborating Background – Sean Committees update as well Characterizing – parts specific Amanda* Chris Rachel Wetlab Work OmpA-Sil August* Haefa AIDA-1 Rubeena* Purchasing Peter* – cc him on all s so he can keep a list Human Practices Peter* Max* Project Planning Namita
To Do Next Week Wetlab to do (Rubeena/August): Transformation trouble shooting - if still not working call iGEM to get new cells Check the concentration of the DNA in the wells with nanodrop (should get 20) Contamination with cells we have? Re-competent the cells from Janie Check the concentration of Amp Get one transformation to work before continuing – check with Soo’s protocol from workshop Call iGEM TODAY!!!!!!!!! Grow biofilms! Ask Eric McLamore about how best to make biofilm/bioreactor Detatchment assay Make Primers for Curli for the biobrick plasmid Rachel – give to Wetlab committee (Rubeena) Purchase the primers Read a paper - everyone Start rotating describing the project to the group – set up rotation – Amanda for Friday August next Friday Order OmpA-Silicatein construction to be synthesized! Bring forms to Tuesday meeting for purchasing Committees meet and set up To-Do lists and meetings within committee