Use and Abuse of Personal and Private Data All the information stored on Computer is governed by law or legislation. The main act is the Data Protection Act which protects your data. The Computer Misuse Act makes it illegal for you to hack into a computer system and modify or steal any data that is stored on the computer. Employees can accidently abuse data by not updating customer details and these would then have an impact on both the customer and the business eg if the contact details have changed then they will not be able to contact the customer. This is also breaking one of the DPA principles, data must be accurate and up to date.
Employees could also overwrite or delete a file of personal data – this would also mean that private and personal data has been abused. Businesses have policies of how to name files and folders so everybody in the business will know what file it is. The abuse of personal data could include employees and other people in stealing information. This could lead to Identity Theft. Employees could damage or destroy files. This maybe done if someone is about to be made redundant. They could also leak user names and passwords. The legislation was introduced to keep personal data from being abused. The legislation does not stop people abusing personal or private data, but if they are found out can be prosecuted.
Some businesses may need to monitor employees. This doesn’t mean they are being ‘watched’ all the time, but some tasks could be critical to the running of the business and so may need to be monitored. Another reason an employee maybe monitored for an AUDIT TRAIL. POWERPOINT WILL FOLLOW Monitoring of Individuals by Organisations