doc.: IEEE Submission September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [L2 Final Proposal Simulation Part] Date Submitted: [ 13 September, 2014] Source1: [Noriyuki Sato, Kiyoshi Fukui] Company [OKI] Address [2-5-7 Hommachi chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan] Voice:[ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [This is the original document.] Abstract:[This documents shows simulation result and performance metrics regarding OKI’s L2R proposal responding to CfFP.] Purpose:[To make a proposal] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 2 L2R Final Proposal Simulation Result / Performance Metrics TG10 presentation 14 th September 2014 Athens Greece Noriyuki Sato / Kiyoshi Fukui OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Proposals (I) Average Construction or Initialization overhead –Upward route A HELLO message is sent periodically. (ex. 64s for non sleep, 6400s for sleepy network) –Downward route September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 3 Size of network Avg size of HELLO [B] Total size for one period [kB] Size of network Avg size of RREC [B] Total number of RREC to esablish all downward route [packets] Total size of RREC to esablish all downward route [kB]
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Proposals (II) Average routing overhead –No other control traffic is required to probe next hop. What else… –Source route overhead (only with downward packet) Xxxxx B (0 B if the storing mode is implemented) –Header size Xxxxxx B What mode –We assumed Non beacon 4g, 4e(CSL), 100kbps FSK –It can also work with Beacon, 4e (RIT, TSCH etc.)… No limitation September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 4
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Proposals (III) Recovery/Re-discovery –BS down –Propagate Path cost = infinity from top to down –A node which can see neighbor network change the parent –Propagate new path cost which belongs to the new network September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 5 Hell o GWGW BS1BS2 BS3BS4 Hell o GWGW BS1 BS2 BS3BS4
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Proposals (IV) Recovery time –Time to know BS down Ex. If it takes 3 hello missing, it results in 3 * hello interval (s) –Time to propagate infinity cost from top to down Max hop * hello interval (s) –Time to propagate new path cost to belong to new network Max hop * hello interval ~ Max hop * hello interval * 2 (s) A node can use hello which is found at early timing and it doesn’t necessarily take hello interval but it may take shorter time. See upward root establishment time ( sec). It takes 1h ~ 1h30m to recover upward route for the network. September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI) Slide 6
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Proposals (V) Re-discovery time –When BS recovers, path cost propagates from up to down. Less than approximately Max hop * hello interval A node can use hello which is found at early timing and it doesn’t necessarily take hello interval but it may take shorter time. See upward root establishment time ( sec). September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 7 Hell o GWGW BS1 BS2 BS3BS4 Hell o GWGW BS1BS2 BS3BS4
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (I) E2E PDR September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 8 Non SleepSleep Network Size Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (II) E2E Delay (Max) (sec) September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 9 Non SleepSleep Network Size Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (III) E2E Delay (Min) (sec) September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 10 Non SleepSleep Network Size Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (IV) E2E Delay (Min) (sec) September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 11 Non SleepSleep Network Size Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (V) Number of Hops (MAX, Avg) September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 12 Network Size MAXAvgMAXAvgMaxAvg Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device There’s no significant difference between sleep and non-sleep network.
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (VI) Battery consumption –In sleepy network, 2 types of nodes were considered in the simulation. PAN coordinator – Non sleep Router – Sleepy device September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI) Slide 13 Non-sleepSleep AvgMinMaxAvgMinMax Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device nodes network
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (VII) September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 14 Non-sleepSleep AvgMinMaxAvgMinMax Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device Non-sleepSleep AvgMinMaxAvgMinMax Device to PAN Coord PAN Coord to device Unicast PAN Coord to device Broadcast PAN Coord to device Multicast Device to device Unicast Device to device Broadcast Device to device Multicast Multiple device to device nodes network nodes network
doc.: IEEE Submission Metrics Based on Simulation Results / Analysis of Proposal (VIII) Network Establishment time analysis September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 15 NW size 121 nodes1089 nodes10000 nodes UpStream63 sec107 sec219 sec DownStream1785 sec1798 sec1817 sec NW size 121 nodes1089 nodes10000 nodes UpStream6315 sec10728 sec21866 sec DownStream7140 sec7192 sec7268 sec Non sleep mode Sleep mode
doc.: IEEE Submission Simulation Condition Type of node deployment –Equally spaced grid Radio Range –3 hops radius Link error –As described in TGD simulation scenario (PER 10^-1 to 10^-6) HELLO Interval –64 (sec) Route Record –Initialize phase: 1800 sec for non sleep mode, 7200 sec for sleep mode –other phase: only at changing parenet L2R Hop by hop Retry –Yes Transmission Delay by hop –10 (ms) Trial number –500 times September 2014 N. Sato and K. Fukui (OKI)Slide 16