CJ 333 Unit 1 Seminar Family Violence on a Global Scale
Family Violence on a Global Scale Hello and Welcome to CJ 333 !!! Introduction to the Course Syllabus Review Discussion Boards Seminars / Alternate Assignments Written Assignments Questions ???
Family Violence on a Global Scale Unit 2 Written Assignment Minimum of 3 pages of written text (3-5 pages does not include cover page and reference page) Compare American culture to at least 2 other cultures Major points clearly stated and supported Directions and Checklist Due Tuesday, midnight ET of Unit 2 Questions ???
Family Violence on a Global Scale What does the term Patriarchy mean? What is its significance to DV today? What was the role of husband and the role of wife in early civilizations: Ancient Greece the Roman Empire? British Common Law Early America What does the “rule of thumb” mean?
Family Violence on a Global Scale What was established in Fulgham v State (1871)? When and in what state was the first law making wife beating a crime established? Why were other states not quick to follow? Why did so many early cultures allow infanticide? What is parens patriae ? What has been the United Nations response to DV?
Family Violence on a Global Scale Does family violence appear more in certain cultures? Why? Is family violence more acceptable in certain cultures? Why? Should the cultural beliefs of immigrants about domestic life be interfered with when living in U.S.? What have you learned concerning family violence? Questions ??? Unit 2 next week :)