EMCDDA Treatment data collection strategy - progress report May 09 Dagmar Hedrich, on behalf of the TWG Presentation at the meeting of the Scientific Committee, 15 June 2009
Historical changes in treatment have taken place in the past decades in Europe, e.g. Opioid substitution develops into the major response to opioid use: 9-fold increase of OST from Diversification of pharmacological treatment approaches opioid dependence “Normalisation”: Increasing role of office- based (GP) treatment More attention to stimulants and other non-opioid treatment Treatment in prison no longer confined to ‘prison treatment units’
Diversification of data sources on drug treatment Treatment monitoring systems (based on TDI) well established Substitution ‘registries’ of some sort [Data on sales of relevant pharmaceutical substances - available nat level] Reimbursement statistics, Health insurance data, hospital statistics + technological innovations in monitoring
Treatment working group Chair: Roland Simon Start: Summer 2007 Members: up to 10, both scientific units involved Submission of draft proposal to NFPs: May 2009 Input and discussion: November 2009
Structure of draft document Historical perspective Context and objectives EMCDDA Mission EU AP Conceptual framework Treatment need / needs; treated population; availability; quality/outcome Status-quo: current collection instruments Aims, periodicity, achievements and limitations Future development of data collection
TDI ST 24 Access to treatment SQ 27 treatment quality SQ 27 treatment programmes
Annual Report Action PlanTreatment Profiles Stats Bull Tables Action Plan TDI SQ 27 - Treatment Programmes BP Portal EUROPEAN TREATMENT EXPERTS ST 24 – Access to Treatment Annual Report SQ 27 -Quality Stats Bull Tables Action Plan Annual ReportBP Portal Treatment profiles
Thank you for your attention.
EMCDDA data collection tools on access to drug treatment TDI: First treatment in life and first treatment in reporting year; Clients in continuous treatment (pilot) NEW in 2008 ST24: NEW in 2008 Estimates on overall level of treatment provision (individuals or episodes / PDUs / POUs). Estimates on opioid substitution/maintenance treatment Information on data flow betw register/client information systems substitution/maintenance treatment and TDI
Definition of “treatment” TDI protocol: “Drug treatment is defined as any activity that directly targets individuals who have problems with their drug use and which aims to improve the psychological, medical or social state of those who seek help for their drug problem”. ST 24 and SQ 27: … treatment comprises all structured interventions with specific pharmacological and/or psychosocial techniques aiming at reducing or abstaining from the use if illegal drugs Services provided at IN/OUTpatient drug treatment agencies