Progressive Movement Defined Progressive Movement – A movement seeking to return control of the government to the people restore economic opportunities and to correct injustices in American life.
Four Goals of Progressivism Protecting social welfare. YMCA, Salvation Army, Hull House. Promoting moral improvement. Prohibition of alcohol. Creating economic reform. Socialism. Fostering efficiency. Scientific Management, assembly lines in factories.
Reform Through Investigative Journalism - Muckraking Reform – The improvement of what is wrong. Muckraking – Journalism that exposed the corrupt side of business and the government. Muckrakers wrote in mass circulation magazines.
Reading Activity Read from, The Shame of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens Identify examples of Graft in this article. Graft – Illegal or unfair gain originating from political corruption.
Progressivism in the Arizona Constitution: Initiative, Referendum and Recall Initiative – A bill initiated by the people rather than the legislators. Referendum – A vote on the initiative by the people. Recall – when voters remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to have another election before their term is up.
Russell Pearce: RECALLED!!! Russell Pearce Former Arizona state senator. Hard line anti-immigration lawmaker. watch?v=khClqGFRc88 watch?v=khClqGFRc88 The Recall watch?v=b9AsHnZpVpA watch?v=b9AsHnZpVpA watch?v=GQmufzBvfbA watch?v=GQmufzBvfbA watch?v=pH9IF1LwMs0 watch?v=pH9IF1LwMs0 m/watch?v=RzxH0nakjW s m/watch?v=RzxH0nakjW s
Initiative and Referendum com/watch?v=NsoAD qls9JU com/watch?v=NsoAD qls9JU