Introduction Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) > Occurred ~ 55 million years ago > High concentration of atmospheric greenhouse gases >>Sudden and abrupt climate change >>Estimates range from 1350 ppm to 5400 ppm >>Believed to be caused by a catastrophic release of bacterial Methane (within 10,000 years). > Affected Flora and Fauna > Are CO2 heading towards PETM conditions?
Methods >Researched Flora and Fauna >>3 regions >Calculated modern CO2 trends CO2 trends
Results: Similar faunal shifts ~ 40ºN WyomingMongolia
645 years Our most conservative calculation shows that it may take 645 years to recreate PETM atmospheric conditions.
Conclusion > It was a very different world > Extreme humidity at high latitudes / swamp habitats > Warm enough to support life during dark polar winters > Radiations of tropical flora and fauna towards higher latitudes >>Ferns and palms >> Crocodilians and turtles > May recreate the same atmospheric CO2 concentrations anthropogenically
Questions? Authors: Anna Fokina / Jonathan Krueger / Zhenyu Timothy Ng